I love stuff like this.
I love stuff like this.
I sure hope they’re going to write the beavers a check to cover the reconstruction costs
Man, you know your wealthy when your walls are lined with cash.
Don’t forget, in the old days the wealthy used to line their heads with beaver.
Uh huh.
“Found”…riiiiiiight. :dubious:
Not to be nosy or anything, but what’s with the twickster? ;-p
Canada’s national animal: hard-working, thrifty, frugal…
Just remember kids:
“Cash for beaver” is still illegal in the US outside of a few counties in Nevada.
The beavers were totally in on the heist.
They probably chewed through the wires for the video cameras.
“Gee, I dunno Wally. A guy could get clobbered for doing something like that.”
Lucky for them they didn’t stumble across the trappings of a drug deal instead…
Does anybody have a current location on Eddie Haskell?
Dam fine place to hide the loot, if you ask me.
“Ward, weren’t you a little hard on the beaver last night?”
-June Cleaver
To quote Leslie Neilsen in one of his Police Academy movies, as he’s looking up at the lady who was up on the step ladder, “Nice Beaver.”
(She was retrieving a stuffed beaver from the top shelf.)
Interestingly, that’s what I initially thought this thread was about. “Swag” (sometimes with an H sound pronounced between the S and W) is stoner slang for cheap, low-grade marijuana. Because the stuff is so amazingly cheap and low-quality (often $40-$70 an ounce, as opposed to $250-$400 an ounce for the really kickin’ stuff), it tends to move in higher quantities, and thus if it is stolen/misplaced there could conceivably be enough lying around for beavers to build a small dam out of.
I think you’ll find it was one of the Naked Gun movies.