Are there any beers that taste like corona but aren’t so salty?
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Dos Equis, Red Stripe, Landshark Lager. That’s where I’d start. Actually, I’d start with Red Stripe, it’s a good beer.
There’s a beer called Mexican Logger by Ska brewing. It’s similar to corona but much tastier. It couldn’t hurt to try it, maybe you can find a single can to put in a mixed 6-pack or something.
I should probably point out that I’ve had about three sips of Corona ever, but IIRC Landshark Lager is modeled after Corona to compete with it so it should be pretty similar.
Also, anyone who drinks Corona should be fine if you bring LSL to the party and most Corona/light beer drinkers will, IME, be happy to see a case of Red Stripe show up, so if you like that, don’t hesitate to bring it along to a party.
Had a couple of Landsharks down in South Padre. Tastes like Corona like Roundys Mountain Fury tastes like Mountain Dew. Meaning it slightly does but doesn’t really.
Given that taste is purely subjective I still would advise not to recommend Red Stripe. It sucks.
I’m confused here. Corona is salty? I mean, I’ve seen people adding salt to the rim of a Corona, but on its own I’ve never noted it to be salty.
Dos Equis actually has some flavor. Corona is tasteless piss water that was deliberately marketed at frat boys as part of the whole Cinco-de-Mayo-is-all-about-buying-bad-beer-and-tortilla-chips-and-getting-drunk campaign of the 1980s–a campaign which succeeded tremendously.
That’s what I was thinking. Sounds like the kind of complaint someone who doesn’t really like beer says.
Coronas not really that bad with food if you can get one that’s not skunked. But it’s over priced and under ethanoled to party serious with.
A few years ago my son and I visited my brother and his family. My brother has a very well stocked fridge out the back and on arrival, my son having just reached drinking age, he asked both of us, “I’m going to grab a Corona do you want one?”
My son said, “Do you have any beer?” I was so proud.
As much as I like stronger beers they give me bad heartburn now (I have GERD) I have found corona doesn’t give me heartburn but it much more salty than most “regular tasting” beers. So any “watered down piss water” as you call it that wont irritate my GERD I would like recommendations on.
Isint Michelob ultra a light lager like corona is? Does it taste like corona?
I like Corona but I’ve been drinking Dos Equis amber lately. Victoria is a lot like Corona but I like it less and around here it costs more.
Tecate is pretty good but not similar to Corona.
I’d never thought of beer being salty, but apparently the sodium content does vary. Here’s a page with sodium levels for several beers (but not Corona). Heineken and Miller look low, at 8 and 7 mg respectively. ETA: Those short dashes might really mean 0 sodium, or might just mean the label says 0 (maybe there’s a cutoff, below which they can say 0?)
Here’s a page with sodium levels in other beverages, for comparison. Their level for the sodium in regular Budweiser doesn’t agree with the first link, so maybe those numbers should be taken with a… ummm… never mind.
Well, this page says this:
So I have no idea what this “so salty” description is supposed to mean, because it’s not sodium it’s describing. Maybe it’s another flavor that triggers sodium? I don’t know, but unless you actually add salt to it, Corona is not salty. (But there is a skunkiness to it usually–maybe that’s what you’re picking up on?)
As for beers that taste like Corona, it’s hard to tell. For lighter flavored Mexican beers, I personally would try Sol, Modelo Especial, and Pacifico. I think Sol is the closest to Corona of the bunch, going by memory, but I prefer the latter two.
I find almost all Mexican [del]lagers[/del] pilsners to be pretty much identical.
I can usually ID a Corona from the rest because I find it a little skunky, but put a Pacifico, Carta Blanca, Modelo Especial, Tecate, etc. in front of me and damned if I could tell the difference.
Either term is fine there (although I prefer “lager,” myself.)
If the skunkiness of a Corona is what you seek, also try Rolling Rock and Heineken.
Or better:
If Skunky Corona is what you yen, try Rolling Rock or Heineken.
Beers that taste like Corona? Well, first you need to find an incontinent horse…