Being for the pitting of Lissener

Til then, you’re just an egotistical hypersensitive asshole who generally makes the SDMB less pleasant for all who have to endure your pedantic hijackings and perpetual whinining.

(This was begun here , hence the lack of intro.)

Would it kill you to cut and paste?
You`ll have the hamsters dead by 6 PM.

BTW, sometimes the best way to deal with these people is to ,Um, IGNORE them.

I’m sorry, lissener can’t come to the Pit right now–it’s time for his daily circle jerk with Paul Verhoeven and Joe Ezsterhas.

Ooooh. Via webcast, I hope!

No, wait…

OK, so you really hate Showgirls; is that any reason to Pit the poor guy?

rereads OP

Oh. Well, that one’s pretty weak, too.

It’s aggregate, not just the one. Take a look at the clusterfuck hijacking he made of this thread, with currently 230 posts and perhaps half of them addressing the OP.

You might want to double check this link.

I hafta agree. It’s ashame he’s such a fucking asshole about everything, because he really does know his stuff (when he’s not being a condescending asshole).

I really think he deserves a reprimand for this. What, does he enjoy hijacking threads with his whiny junior modding? This pitting is wholeheartedly deserved, Sampiro’s reply within the thread was a model of restraint and reason, and I hope the thread gets back on topic and flourishes wherever the actual powers-that-be decide it belongs.

Hmm, well, yeah, I see where you’re coming from. What can I say, I got a namecheck for a post about Showgirls and I’m easily swayed by flattery. Carry on.