Being the last poster of a thread and then it dies

It got better.

To infinity…and beyond!

It’ll be stone dead in a moment.

It is just pinin’ for the threjords.

Here ya go!


I honestly thought this was dead. I imagine chela is quite disappointed.

Edit: 4 months is a pretty good run though.

Yeah, that is like 12 weeks.

114 days.

2,736 hours.

Let it be known this is a grave awakening, I am not responsible for what happens next.

The Undead Thread


FFS, not this again…

Only 29 days for you…

It’s too late!

Have we started again?

It’ll die now

reports of its death seem to be from questionable sources

How long without posts before it’s dead? (serious question).

It could die when it its the post limit at ten thousand. At its current pace, that will be at least another decade. Unless new forum software changes the limit. But it is still not dead if someone opens it.