Ben Dumps Jen For Good

It hit the news last night that Ben dumped Jen. “bennifer” is offically over. I lost my bet. I said they would be married a month before filing for divorce. Darn! Ben was seen in Vegas laughing it up and Jen ws licking her wounds in Miami. Oh poor baby <eg>

The only point of interest in this break up is the 4 million dollar pink diamond engagement ring Jen received. What does she do with it now?

She could still wear it? nah that would be tacky

She can put it in a safe? what a waste

I know. She could auction it off. Doesn’t Christies do regular celebrity auctions? She could give the money to charity.

I wonder what Elizabeth Taylor did with all her wedding rings? Hmmm

I thought the ring was only worth a paltry 3 million dollars.

Hmmm I’m not suretracer you could be right!

It is a beautiful diamond ring. Such a shame she won’t be wearing it. (At least she shouldn’t be wearing it IMHO)

Well she got a hit song out of the relationship “I’m Glad” i think is the title.

And that has stopped her…when?

Truly, there is something wrong with Jennifer Lopez. She is beautiful, with a wonderful body, the woman just screams “I am sexy.” “I like sex.” “One night with me will be heaven, in the middel of coitus with me, you will meet God and Jesus Christ in a dream and thank them.” Yet P. Diddy and Affleck run like hell from her.

(I will be pitted for this) JLo wants a kid. She does truly. She is 33 now, the biological clock is faintly ticking now. The woman wants to be happy, healthy and rich for the rest of her life. Her music career is probably near a close. She wants a baby, and wants one now.

If you are a man with at least twenty million dollars in the bank, have a thing for Caribbean women, and look good on camera (ala Guy Ritchie) call Jlo’s fan club and say that you want a date. Tell me how it goes.

Has anyone wondered if this isn’t a ploy to throw people off of the two getting married secretly somewhere?

Back to fixing my tinfoil hat.

So you’re saying, J-Lo is just going to play-Lo with our heads?

Traditionally, if the woman breaks off the engagement, she gives the ring back, but if the man breaks it off, the woman keeps it. But we don’t yet know who decided the wedding was off, or if it was a mutual thing.

Anyway, pink diamonds are ucking fugly.

Maybe they finally heard her sing…

corndog man:

Sad to say, she’s not quite desperate enough to go that route. Wasn’t she the dumper when she was married to that dancer guy, Judd something?

Nah, I don’t think either of them are smart enough to think of that.

No, but their handlers are.

Actually, I’d say it’s 50/50 that this is a ploy.

What could they possibly get out of all this publicity? It certainly isn’t going to help their careers.


But at least the Bennifer circus inspird on of the best Sougth park episodes ever.

“My name is Hennifer Lopez. I like tacos y burritos. Taco-flavored kisses for my Ben.”


But at least the Bennifer circus inspired one of the best South Park episodes ever.

“My name is Hennifer Lopez. I like tacos y burritos. Taco-flavored kisses for my Ben.”

This was my first thought as well - right after the “Well, ya knew this was coming” response. She did have 3 decoy brides planned for this weekend. You gotta figure that the press could have sniffed out a ploy. If you look at any interview with Ben w/wo Jen there is some sort of bitter dig about her and the idea of marriage so in the end, it’s probably legit.

Tracer should be banned for saying this…

Not necessarily. IANAL but IIRC from my law classes, an engagement ring is a “gift with intent.” He technically could fight her in court to give it back, unless he gave it to her on a traditional gift-giving day (say, her birthday, Christmas, etc.). In that case he’d be outta luck.

Not that it matters. 3 million bucks is chump change to Affleck, it’s not like he needs the ring so he can go pawn it and pay the bills.

When you appear in a movie with your fiance as your love interest and every critic in the world pans you for total absence of chemistry … it’s time to give it second thoughts.