I just finished doing Oliver and I’m now doing Li’l Abner and some rhymes got my attention.
From “Reviewing the Situation” (Oliver)
And wave at all the duchesses
with friendliness as much as is
befitting of my new estate,
“Good morrow to you Magistrate!”
From “It’s a Typical Day” (Li’l Abner)
His heart is the tenderes’
But neuter-gender 's
Far 's young gals is concerned.
It’s a perfect rhyme in the hillbilly accent of the show.
In my opinion, these makes a good rhyme:
[li]Not obvious, like the cliched “unending love” with “heaven above”[/li][li]An actual rhyme. N and M, for example, are not the same letter. “Love” and “move” don’t rhyme, though they may have a few centuries ago.[/li][li]Before the end of the line, for example, “That we take good care of it, / that we get our share of it.” (“It’s a Fine Life,” Oliver)[/li][/ul]
What else makes a rhyme good or bad, and what are your favorite or least favorite rhymes in songs?
Tom Lehrer:
“When you attend a funeral
It is sad to think that sooner’ll” (“We Will All Go Together When We Go”)
“An awful debility,
A lessened utility,
A loss of mobility
Is a strong possibility.
In all probability
I’ll lose my virility
And you your fertility
And desirability,
And this liability
Of total sterility
Will lead to hostility
And a sense of futility,
So let’s act with agility
While we still have facility,
For we’ll soon reach senility
And lose the ability.” (When You Are Old and Gray)
Cole Porter:'s
"Just declaim a few lines from Othella
And they’ll think you’re a hell of a fella…
If she says your behavior is heinous
Kick her right in the Coriolanus" (Brush Up Your Shakespeare)
“Or bring a jeroboam on
And write a drunken poem on
Astrology, mythology,
Geology, philology,
Pathology, psychology,
Spermology, phrenology,
I owe you an apology
But let’s not talk about love.”
I don’t have any specific examples, but every time I hear the words ‘I called you on the phone’ in a song, little bits of my teeth wear away, for I know that the line will be followed by: ‘To see if you were home’
‘But now I’m all alone’
‘I’m living on my own’
Billy Mack is a detective down in Texas
You know he knows just exactly what the facts is
He’s not gonna let those two escape justice
He makes his living off of the people’s taxes.
All these things you saw in your pyjamas
Are a long-range forecast for your farmers
… and…
Greatest man since Noah
Only goes to shoah
Wonder what Tim Rice was smoking the day he wrote those… I think they are some of the most irritating rhymes ever. Honest.
Okay, so that’s not really G&S’ brightest moment, but you have to admit the rhyming in the following excerpt makes up for it!
To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock,
In a pestilential prison, with a life-long lock,
Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock,
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!
To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock,
In a pestilential prison, with a life-long lock,
Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock,
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!
A dull, dark dock,
A life-long lock,
A short, sharp shock,
A big black block!
To sit in solemn silence
In a pestilential prison,
And awaiting the sensation
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!
This is from a song by Eve 6 that I kept hearing on the radio, years ago:
*Suckin’ on my brain, you’re the teacher, I’m the student
Turning things around, your story’s not congruent *
I could just picture the songwriter going to a rhyming dictionary and trying to find something that rhymes with “student,” not finding a way to fit “prudent” into the next line, and finally settling on “congruent,” which doesn’t really rhyme, but whatever.
I couldn’t possible have a single favorite Tom Lehrer rhyme, however:
When they see us coming
the birdies all try’n’hide
But they still go for peanuts
When coated in cynaide
He was quite chuffed with this, but found that P.G.Wodehouse had actually come up with it before he did.
Which of course goes on:
And you may think it tragic
Not to mention other adject -tives
And another from the same song:
Go directly to your respective Valhallas
Go directly - do not pass go - do not collect two hundred. . . Dollars
BTW the rhyming of (say) love with move is called a ‘sight rhyme’ and doesn’t mean that the words ever actually rhymed in the normal way. IIRC Hamlet uses one in a poem/note to Ophelia.
I nominate Pete Seeger’s version of
“Gimme that Old TIme Religion”
Let us pray like the Egyptians
Build pyramids to put our crypts in
Fill subways with inscriptions
It’s good enough for me
Let us pray to Zarathrusta
Pray just like we use ta
I’m a Zarathrusta booster*
It’s good enough for me
the beautiful thing about this rhyme is that is Boston, this becomes ‘boostah’, but still doesn’t rhyme because you’d pronounce the other word as ‘Zarathruster’. I suppose the same issue applies to this verse:
Let us pray to dear old Buddah
Because there is no one cuter
He comes in plaster, wood and pewter
It’s good enough for me