I saw the funniest billboard on my way to work. I should’ve taken a photo. It was in Southern Illinois at a local shrine and read: Moses, the Musical - the burning within!
My first thought was that most people use Vagisil to cure that.
What billboards or other signs have you seen lately that have given you a chuckle?
Advertising in newspapers, magazines, and broadcast media help to subsidize them. Billboards contribute nothing but visual blight, something that’s been exacerbated in recent years with electronic and tri-panel billboards.
I’ve always been found of the one that the billboard company put up to advertise themselves during the tenure of the previous fed chairman. The advertisement consisted of a dark green background and the words “*This *green span generates higher interest.” I laughed.
I like the new Union 76 billboards around here. They have a large picture of a yellow VW Beetle, with the tag line “For those of you playing Slug Bug.”
There used to be one something like this 'round these parts:
“Thinking of molesting small children?”
Presumably it was intended as support, giving someone who might have such thoughts a number to call for someone they could talk to. You know, as a public service. And that’s not a bad idea. However, the sign had the opposite effect on my husband. He saw it and yelled out,
Back in my college ultimate frisbee days, one of our team cheers was the verbatim text from a sign in front of a store (granted, not really a billboard). It went like this (the exclamation points were on the original sign):
Michael’s Jewish Deli
Cold beer!
Break the fast!
Fish trays!
Glad I happened to have the camera at the ready for this pairing.
Hmmm…392 picture views? I must’ve started a thread about that…
Edit: Why yes, yes I did.