Best Cartoon Character Name

What do you think is the cartoon character with the best name? The criteria can be: appropriateness to their themes, clever wordplay, or that it just plain makes you smile.

I suppose we could expand this to other characters as well, but let’s try to focus on cartoons.

My favorites:
Tennessee Tuxedo
Commander Bragg
Olive Oyl
Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup
Strong Bad
Peppermint Patty
Chip and Dale
Polly Purebred (from Underdog)
Thompson and Thomson (from Tintin)

and of course, my all time #1:
Snidely Whiplash

I should probably qualify that:

Thompson and Thomson were Dupont and Dupond in the original French.

“Yank” the monkey from an episode of The Tick, animated. Still makes me laugh.

I always liked Tom Slick.

Tess Truhart was good.

Gladstone Gander had a nice ring to it.

I also had a fondness for nephews and nieces like Daisy Duck’s nieces, April, May and June and Woody Woodpecker’s (a rather obscene name if you ask me) nephew and niece, Knothead and Splinter. Popeye’s nephews were entertaining also, but their names escape me just now.

By the way, what was Superchicken’s real name?


If I remember correctly: Henry Cabot Henhouse III.

Let’s not forget Itchy Brother.

Hong Kong Phooey was always my favorite. And from DuckTales, Admiral Grimitz.

Even though the cartoon was lame, Peter Potamus is a pretty good cartoon name. Also, Secret Squirrel and Morocco Mole. And Magilla Gorilla and Grape Ape.

Spongebob Squarepants should be in there somewhere, IMO.

Pipeye, Peepeye, and Poopeye, IIRC.

I like most of the names from the Powerpuff Girls:
Mojo Jojo
The Rowdyruff Boys
The Gangrene Gang, especially Li’l Arturo
Sara Bellum
Lucky Captain Rabbit King
The Salami Swami

And others:
Boris Badenov
Foghorn Leghorn
Castor Oyl (Olive’s brother, I think)

Pipeye, Peepeye, and Poopeye, IIRC.

I like most of the names from the Powerpuff Girls:
Mojo Jojo
The Rowdyruff Boys
The Gangrene Gang, especially Li’l Arturo
Sara Bellum
Lucky Captain Rabbit King
The Salami Swami

And others:
Boris Badenov
Foghorn Leghorn
Castor Oyl (Olive’s brother, I think)
The Neptunes (Jabberjaw’s band)
Shoyu Weenie (the J-Pop band from Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law)

You’re going for all the long ones. How about Gir from Invader Zim? Most of the characters have short names, but his makes so much sense.

Crusader Rabbit!

What about HIM from the Powerpuff girls? So simple, yet so…scary.

Optimus Prime.

Means “first among noblemen”.

It was Commander McBragg, wasn’t it?

Anyhoo, I always thought Underdog’s secret identity was worth a small existential chuckle. He worked as a shoeshine boy, and his name was… Shoeshine Boy!

Gidney and Cloyd
Wile E. Coyote
Rupert Xavier Sarsparilla
George Liquor
Michigan J. Frog
Mr. Peabody, and Sherman (Really, if you’re a superintelligent, time-traveling, pipe-smoking, anthropomorphic dog… could your juvenile human lackey have a better name than “Sherman?” It’s just so…* perfect*, somehow)
Quincy Magoo
Mac n’ Tosh (the Goofy Gophers, Warner Brothers’ super-violent, dynamite-wielding answer to Chip n’ Dale)

And here I always thought “Optimus Prime” meant “first among coats of paint.” Boy, you learn something new every day, don’t you?

How about the stuffed animals in Cow and Chicken:

Piles the Beaver
Crabs the Warthog
Manure the Bear

What about:

I am Weasel
I R Baboon


I always thought Yosemite Sam, Elmer J. Fudd and Foghorn Leghorn were pretty funny names.

Heifer Wolf
The Kirwood Derby
Fearless Leader
Of course, I wanted to name my first two children “Gidney” and “Cloyd” but my wife wouldn’t let me.

And how could we possibly forget –


Muddy Mudskipper
Powdered Toast Man
Sfen Hoek

I think “Rope Girl” from Team-0 Supreme-0 is interesting

All of the Thundercats were great

Nermal from the animated Garfield

Gossamer from Bugs Bunny (the big orange hair)

Gargamel (not sure on spelling) was an appropriate choice for a smurf hater.


Santa’s Little Helper (dog on the Simpson’s)

Apu Nahasapeemapetelan (not sure on the spelling)

On the WWF superstars cartoon back in the 80’s you had Junk Yard Dog, Tito the Superfly Snuka, and of course, Hulk Hogan.

Seargent Slaughter from G.I.Joe

Droopy Dog

Itchy and Scratchy

Side Table Drawer from Blue’s Clues

Velma and Shaggy

Bam-Bam from the Flintstones

Captain Caveman

Boo-Boo from Yogi the Bear

As a side note, remember that cartoon about the Gummie Bears?