I’m watching Foyle’s War on Netflix Streaming which inspired this thread. I really like how Michael Kitchen communicates so much with relatively few words. Particularly I like how he can raise a single eyebrow to say so many things depending on the context.
Another I recall is Tom Selleck, who does a double eyebrow thing in the opening credits – though I do recall he demonstrated considerable expertise with single eyebrows during the run of the show.
Watching the original Star Trek I was struck by all the eyebrow-raising - e.g. Leonard Nimoy here, and if you fast-forward to 0:12 here you get Nimoy and DeForest Kelley communicating almost entirely with their eyebrows. They deliver dialogue, sure, but that’s just a kind of aural accompaniment. They could do more with the cusps of their foreheads than most men do with their entire faces.
Here’s DeForest Kelley again. Phew, glad I got to this topic early. There’s no chance that other people will pick those two examples in the gap between starting the message, finding the clips, and hitting “post”. None at all.
Janine Turner’s acting skills comprised her ability to cock her eyebrow, before dedicating the same amount of neurotranmitters and facial muscles to being a right-wing pundit.
Outstanding! It’s been so long since I’ve seen the show that I’d forgotten all about Spock. McCoy, though, often looks as though his eyebrow is painted on already cocked.
I dunno if I’ve ever seen in anything to judge his eyebrow motor skills.
But your post reminded me of who may have the densest eyebrows among celebrities – Peter Gallagher. But while I’ve seen him in plenty of things, I can’t say I recall him putting them to much use.
Carlos Sobera won’t be known outside Spain, but he became famous as the host of our edition of “Who wants to be a millionaire?”. He’d previously been a law school professor; his Raised Eyebrow of Doom was perfected during law school lessons and has been making contestants nervous for the last 13 years (now in a different program).
I’ve actually heard people say “tienes más peligro que la ceja de Carlos Sobera” (you’re more dangerous/you make me more nervous than Sobera’s eyebrow).
Karl Urban. First noticable to me in LotR, he was the obvious choice to play the walking eyebrow gun toter from Doom, and also turned in an Eomer-riffic performance in Chronicles of Riddick.