Best commercial in all history of mankind

That’s another one from Spike Jonze. Good one, too!

Gonna have to go with the ad for the 1988 Dodge Aries.

Damn you for beating me to that.

Spike Jonze’s mentions in this thread reminded me of another accomplished film maker’s forays into commercials: Errol Morris’s series of ads for Miller High Life, 10 years ago.

That’s the right idea, Chief.

Maybe not the best, but personal favorites:

Watch Midnight Spank or…
… Butterfly will open the Horrible Bag.
… Calico-Colored Guinea Pig will eat your kidney.
… Deer will make everyone you’ve ever loved disappear forever.

Threats from cute animals are so darn funny…

Terrible Terry Tate: Office Linebacker

No question. There is no question about it.

I’m gonna go with the VW genuine parts ad. Pure genius.

I would’ve said Stan Frebverg’s commercial for Jino’s Pizza Rolls, but Reality Chuck beat me to it. All of Freberg’s commercials are great. See his Great American Soups ad, or his Sunsweet Pitted Prunes ad.

My favorite overall was probably never aired. It was done by a group of film students. It starts out with chanting by figures in black robes. You can’t see their faces under the hoods as they light candles and form a circle. You get a shot of a hand in a robe going up, a curved dagger clasped in it. the hand PLUNGES DOWN, then goes up and plunges in OVER and OVER. Then the hooded figures reach in and grab pieces, which they carry up to their hoods. You can see the bottom halves of the faces as they greeedily cram mounthfuls of food in, smearing their faces with red blood. in an orgy of eating.
he camera cranes up over the hooded enrobed figures to look down on the Sacrificial Table to reveal…


A voice comes on, with the accompanying title: Why not Visit the Refreshment Stand?.

It was ostensibly made for Drive-Ins.

I do reference that ad in my link, above.

Many of my favorites have been posted all ready, but not this one:

Guinness Tipping Point.

There’s one I remember from maybe 10-15 years ago that I remember being funny, but I don’t remember what it was advertising and the only part I remember is a ditzy blonde saying “No habla escargot… I’m bi-lateral!” I’ve never been able to find a clip of it.

I submit Red House Furniture: furniture for black people … and white people.

Red House Furniture

But what’s it advertising? :confused:

This has made me laugh every time I have seen it.

Oh my! I hadn’t ever seen that. That made me cry I was laughing so hard after the admonition.

Nissan - A GI Joe type jumps in a spiffy red Nissan car and drives down the hallway to Barbie’s Dream House - she comes right down and jumps in. They take off, with Ken in the house looking sadly out the window. It’s on youtube but without the killer Van Halen version of “You Really Got Me”:mad:.

I owned this car. Same color too, except mine was badged as a Fiat.

The Burger King.

Dead serious.

What, no love for the Budweiser Clysedales?

This one has a fond place in my heart. It aired during the 2002 Super Bowl.

Me too. It helps that Swedish accents are invariably funny.