Best Pazz & Jop Crtics Poll Album 2005

A tough choice for me this year - could have gone with the New Pornographers, Sleater-Kinney, even Kanye, but I think it’s going to be LCD Soundsystem for me.

Had not heard these so I could not give an objective view. So went White Stripes.

I am in the mood for Spanish techno, so New Pornographers it is.

A very difficult choice for me between The Woods and Twin Cinema, but I think I’m going to have to give it to the New Pornographers this time around.

Had to go with Sufjan. Illinois is outstanding.

I’m surprised that this list contains almost nothing I’ve heard (other than the ghosts of Monk and Coltrane). I find M.I.A.'s “music” horrific, by the way.

I just now realized that some Kanye West tracks I do like are on Late Registration, so I voted for that – not his best work in terms of clever wordplay (usually what I like best about him), but maybe his best in terms of samples, sounds, and grooves.