Especially for sharing photos on this board.
I think if it is just a single or a handful of images for a 1 time purpose, imgur is the default anymore. But I would not recommend it for long term or family sharing.
ImgBB is good, especially for temporary image hosting. You can set a photo to auto-delete after a preset interval (from 5 minutes to one month).
When Photobucket started holding everyone’s pictures hostage, I managed to download all of mine and I uploaded them to imgur. It’s not perfect, but it works.
I’m very satisfied with Flickr, too. Compared with other free services it has a “pro”/“paid” look-and-feel, and off the top of my head I honestly can’t remember if there are any ads at all, or if the ads that are there are so unobtrusive it almost amounts to the same thing. Obviously it never bothered me, before I upgraded to pro a couple of months ago, which I did for other reasons.
Another pro-flickr, anti-Photobucket voter.
Note that flickr was recently sold by Yahoo!. We’ll see what happens now.
Some outfit named Oath bought Yahoo, flickr and AOL. They want me to agree to new privacy stuff and terms, including agreeing to arbitration. I’m gonna try get away from all of them, I think. I’m trying to find a way to migrate folders from Yahoo email to outlook or gmail, and it’s giving me a headache.
Slight hijack as pix not my concern. As a user of, what happens if/when I do not accept their terms of service. I guess I’ll have to change my b.s. email, but will I lose my b.s. internet service, too?
I may give up my Dtv, too.