What are the best “shut up” lines you’ve ever heard? You know, when somebody says something to another person that, usually humorously, succeeds in shutting that other person up?
Here are mine:
Almost 20 years ago, I was working in a restaurant where we had a cook named Gordy and a waiter named Lenny. Gordy was your classic “big dumb macho guy”, while Lenny was a thin, good-looking guy who happened to be a snappy dresser and looked like he should be on the cover of GQ magazine.
Somehow, Gordy got it into his head that Lenny was gay (he wasn’t). Gordy launched a campaign of harassment, frequently calling Lenny “fag” and questioning his masculinity. Lenny handled it well, choosing to simply ignore Gordy for the most part. The rest of us simply rolled our eyes at Gordy - he was just making himself look stupid as far as the rest of us were concerned, and he certainly wasn’t making anybody think less of Lenny.
It turns out Lenny was just waiting for the right time to slap Gordy down. One day Lenny was doing some sidework, and most of the crew was in the same room with him doing other things, when Gordy came in and started his usual routine of mocking Lenny. Gordy had lately taken to calling Lenny a woman. Lenny let him blather on for a while, and finally, without looking up said:
“Gordy, I’m more man than you’ll ever be, and more woman than you’ll ever get.”
Gordy’s face turned red as everybody in the room laughed at him. He sputtered a bit and then stormed out of the room. He never bothered Lenny again
Second best, and more good-natured:
A couple weeks ago (different job), our whole crew was taking a lunch break together. Most of us were sitting at the table that was set up in the back room. Most of us were over 30 years old, with some of us over 40 or 50. The last two coworkers came in: two 19-year-old girls, Jennie and Ashley. They saw that the table was full, so started setting up a second table. 48-year-old Ken, sitting at my table, jokingly said to them, “Yeah, you two get to sit at the kids table!” This got a good laugh from everybody at the table.
Jennie got an even bigger laugh when she walked over and said to Ken, in a cute little-girl voice, “Grandpa, could you pass me the salt?”