best stocks to invest in

we started playing the stock market game in economics class and i need to know which stocks are the best to invest in. i’ve tried looking online but its kinda hard thats y i’m asking the sdmb. i want to win the game which ends in mid december. does anyone have any stocks that are sure of giving me lots of money?

by the way i’ll know if u give me a bad stock cuz i’m going to look up the history of the stock before i actually invest.

You can be sure that if I knew which stocks to pick, I wouldn’t wasting my time doing your homework for you.

Please contemplate the phrase “Past performance in no way guarantees potential earnings.”

Ask your teacher what it means.

The game ends in mid December? That’s the blink of an eye in terms of investing. Any stock you pick could do anything over such a short time frame.

eunoia is right BTW…you wouldn’t know if someone gave you a bad stock just by looking at its history…stocks that have been going up can go down, and stocks that have been going down can go up. Believe it or not.

My advice to you is to think along these lines: between now and December is when a lot of money gets spent at retailers in this country. If you think this is going to be a good holiday season for Target, WalMart, KMart, Sears etc than you might expect their stock price to go up between now and the middle of December. If you think this will a poor holiday season (Iraq, budget questions, etc) than you might expect those retailer’s stock prices to go down.

You also might want to consider whether the recent election in California might change the mood in that state…it comprises a huge chunk of the American economy…for the better. If you think that Arnold is going to solve the problems there than you might expect companies that either have a lot of their facilities in California or do a lot of business there to experience a quick bump in their stock price.

That’s my advice. It is worth exactly what you paid for it.

yeah the game does end pretty quickly, and we get paid dividends every 4 weeks so it goes by quickly. i suppose i’ll just stick with my stocks of:
microsoft, sony, mcdonalds, mbna. sony and mcdonalds are doing pretty bad so i’m thinking of getting rid of them. i’m not sure though, does anyone have any good stock suggestions?

Are you looking to do the best of everyone or just make money? If you’re in competition with others, pick high-risk stocks. Making a few measly percentage points with blue chip stocks isn’t gonna win ya nuttin.

This from a person who played that game and lost 40% in 3 months.


Good luck :slight_smile:

exactly. Buy nothing worth over a dollar, and look at biotechs. That’s the only way to win (this game, not the real game).

what the hell is “look at biotechs” suppose to mean?

Hmmm . . . maybe it’s “suppose” to mean to evaluate the possibility of investing in biotechnology companies, which have been attracting increased investor interest in recent years, which are often speculative, but which – if they deliver even one blockbuster drug/medical device/diagnostic test/etc. – have the potential, as a class, to deliver a multiples-of-your-original-investment return in the short period available to you. But that’s just a guess.

On a perhaps-related topic, there is another theory afoot, to the effect that when you ask someone to do your homework for you, and they do it, and do it well, but you haven’t even done enough background research to understand the (good and free) advice that’s being given to you, you’re “suppose” to act like a non-jackass.

YMM (and apparently does) V.

Here’s the thing. Some high-risk stocks make oodles of money, while most of them take a nosedive. On the other hand, you have your low-risk stocks, which will probably not get much bigger, but also probably won’t get much smaller. Now, in your class, there are sure to be a few people who pick high-risk stocks, and it’s likely that one or two of them will have picked good high-risk stocks (this is pure luck: there’s no way to know in advance which high-risk stocks are the “good” ones). Those one or two folks who pick the good high-risk stocks are going to earn more money than the folks investing in blue chip (low risk) stocks. So if your goal is to win, then your best (and really, only) chance is to pick high risk stocks, but that also gives you a very good chance of going broke. If your goal is to save for retirement, then you want to pick low-risk: You won’t be filthy rich, but you also won’t be living in a refrigerator box come age 65.

I have all of your answers, but I’m not sharing until you ask nicely. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll tell you in December which one’s you SHOULD have bought. :smiley:

I would suggest Amalgamated Slave Holdings as well as the Opera Top Hat Company. They look like real up-and-comers. (nods to the Simpsons)

When the subject of the stock market comes up, all of the smart-asses open their mouths…

Even if a stock is going down, you can still make money off of it, hence the only thing that is required is that the company you are investing in be a company that is not an insolvent one so that you can figure out which direction it is going, and position yourself accordingly. Also, pursue investing with the intention of making money. It is good to be conservative, but do not be so conservative that you are not even willing to consider other opportunities.

All of that being said, technology stocks like Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, AMD, etc. are going to perform extremly well over the span of the next 2-3 years.

Sorry, just trying to have a little fun in life. We will now go back to being our glum, boring selves again.

Did they teach you in that class that you have to be licensed to suggest stocks?

No, because you don’t. Not “to suggest stocks.” To suggest stocks, for compensation, under certain circumstances, perhaps (and if money is changing for the advice being given on this board, where’s mine?).

See, e.g., Investment Advisors Act Of 1949, Section 202(a)(11) (emphasis supplied):

See also, e.g.:

Nothing in the OP suggests that the class project, or the GQ, remotely implicates any relevant registration requirement. While the registration requirements in other circumstances are important, I would imagine they are well beyond the ambit of what most sub-graduate-level courses need to cover.

make that . . .

Take a look at Netflix and Marvel.