Films ranging in quality from Citizen Kane to Daredevil, show the protagonist trashing a room in his own home. Is this normal behavior in the real world? It sure happens a lot in the movies. I can’t imagine a normal person doing this when upset.
What films have the best trashing of one’s own home?
Holly Golightly’s somewhat melodramatic rampage through her bedroom in Breakfast at Tiffany’s comes to mind only because I watched it the other night. The destruction scene didn’t effect me as much as the overhead shot of her wasted, passed out on her bed in a shower of feathers.
Gina Davis’s character trashing her fiance’s belongings in Earth Girls Are Easy is fun to watch, if only because she’s singing* while she does it.
*Or, rather, lip-synching.
Peter Weller’s increasingly maniacal efforts to kill the rats in his house in Of Unknown Origin was a lot of fun to watch. 'course, it wasn’t so much a ‘trash the house’ scene so much as a ‘trash the house’ movie.