Best Usernames

Some of you guys frequent a lot of forums, and some of you guys are just long-time internet veterans.

What’s the best username you’ve ever seen?

It can be catchy, witty, funny, unique, or just plain badass. I’ll edit this post with the usernames in your replies, so please put the username at the very top of your post.

For me, it would have to be inDe_eD. He posts on the official DotA forums.

Oh, and please don’t be funny and say your own name. That’s just lame.




I don’t frequent many boards, but his name here always gives me a chuckle and the thought of "that’s a creative name) comes to mind whenever I see it.

That being said, you do know you can’t go back and edit your first post, right? We’re only given a 5 minute window to edit our posts, then it’s there as how you entered it. The Powers That Be put it that way so no one can go back and claim they didn’t say something by editing their original post.

But I did abide by your rule of putting the name first in the post.


He’s no longer with us here, but I’ve always liked dorkusmalorkusmafia.

From the first message board I ever joined: SmirkingSheep and Song_Of_The_Shoebox. One had left before I joined, and one I think I only saw a couple of times. But I love the names.

Oh. Oops :smack:

Exapno Mapcase
Qadgop the Mercotan

I was a big fan of omzebras, and I have a soft spot for our handful (or more) of Marx Brothers related names like Exapno Mapcase and RTFirefly.

The best newbie name I’ve seen recently is OccamsTaser, which is both clever and an amusing concept. Older folk…too many good ones to remember, let alone name.

Lord Mondegreen

Very clever. Well, at least I think so because I get it.

eats_crayons and Runs with Scissors always make me laugh.

Patty O’Furniture

Cracks me up every time!

It’s Not Rocket Surgery!
Your Turn In The Barrel
Runs With Scissors
Tuba Diva

Rex Havoc

Not only a great name, a great man. Lance, if yer out there, find me!

My favorite username of all time is definitely ellis dee. A long time ago, I came up with the name “Ellis D. Tripp.” I thought of that on my own, though I was obviously not the first to do so, since there seem to be a hell of a lot of other people online with that as a username.

I don’t remember the person’s name, but the funniest “location” I’ve ever seen was:

Group W Bench

Ellis Dee

Thought of another one who hasn’t been around in a long time… Ryle Dup.

I always liked Earl “Snake Hips” Tucker. There’s just something about it. :smiley:
