Best way to clean clams

I’m steaming clams on Friday, and I seem to remember something about soaking them in water with oatmeal for a few hours beforehand to puurge them, but I forget the details.

Can someone refresh my memory? I had clams over the weekend that were just chock full of sand and mud.

This site says soak them in fresh water for 20 minutes. So do most of the rest. I think the oatmeal trick is an attempt to get the clams to purge all the sand. Water works just as well, I think.

So, what time did you say the clams would be ready?

7:00 Pm.

Byob. :wink:

Well, I’ve heard that you’re not supposed to use soap on clams. Not ont he inside, anyway. :rolleyes:

My dad used to use a bucket of cornmeal. I’m not sure if the results are any different than using oatmeal, but they always came out great!

Why do I always read the food threads? I always end up craving whatever food is being discussed…