Better Call Saul 1.08 "Rico" 3/23/15

It’s interesting. The show is written like it has nothing to prove. Which, I suppose, it hasn’t, so it’s all good.

Go back and have a look at some of the early Breaking Bad now. Compared to this show, sometimes it feels a bit like BB is running around with its pants on its head, shouting: “Look at me, pay attention to me!” Absolutely freaking awesome, but, well, also so very insecure. Especially the pilot and the first few episodes.

This show? It’s chill. It doesn’t give a shit. It doesn’t do insecure.

Not saying it’s better than BB, at all. But it’s confident, I’ll give it that. And it shows that you don’t always need big booms or flashy tricks. An old guy on a lawn dropping a box of papers just put me as far out on the edge of my seat as any number of exploding grandpas could. Somehow I guess it sucked me in.

I’m still not really buying Jimmy as being the same guy as Saul. There’s a dissonance there, for me at least. But it’s still damned good writing.