Beware the bored pup

Well my pup Jakehas made a lot of progress toward a full recovery. He still wheezes on the inhale between barks–this would almost be comical if it wasn’t so serious (woof…wheeze…woof…wheeeze…woof)-- but he’s finally up on his feet and nearly back to normal.

The only trouble is that now that he can move around without pain, he never stops. The other dogs are sick of playing and trying to nap and he is bored plain and simple. It raining so I can’t let him out. I’m trying to interest him in his regular doggie toys but he is so over them. Rope thingie? yawn, ball? sigh, chew toys? I don’t think so, Deer antler? uhm no.

So far today I have taken from him a stoneware dish he stole out of the sink, a pair of panty hose (worn for about an hour), my wallet which he took out my purse that was hanging on a doorknob and A MOUTHFULL OF JEWELRY! I guess a drawer on my jewelry armoire was partially open and he was intrigued. I had to stand there saying “spit it out” while I took a necklace, a ring and a couple of ear rings out of his mouth. Next time I go to the bathroom, I guess I’ll have to either put him in his kennel or take him with me. Next time he goes to the bathroom, I’m gonna look for anything shiny, then decide how bad I want it back.

So what’s the strangest thing you’ve ever caught your pet eating?

My shepherd/lab mix Scout once ate her leather collar. Yes, she had been wearing it at the time. Don’t ask me how she accomplished this. All we found was the metal buckle with a shred of leather attached. The vet said she’d be OK, that the leather would just pass through.

Once we found our “pigdog” Buckwheat eating something, God knows what, out of the remnants of our burning pile.

A former co-worker of Mr. S’s once woke up to the sight of one of her Dalmatians vomiting and the other one happily lapping it up.

I was changing the bulb in the front hall light one day. After shaking all the dead bugs out of the glass shade, I went to get the vacuum to suck them up off the carpet. Came back to find out that the vacuum wasn’t needed – Miss Emily had already gobbled them all.

Good to hear that Jake is well enough to get into trouble!

As Bob is my witless, I am not making these up.

Shaner (large yellow Lab/ Golden Retriever mix): Over the course of his 9 year history with the next door neighbor, he had consumed 3 doorknobs, a Raggedy Ann doll, half a Persian carpet, half a yard of wall-to-wall carpeting (found one string and kept nibbling), four bedroom slippers (all from different sets) and one hunting boot.

Sayseebone (large Poodle): an old-style stereo headset – the ones where the earpiece was a huge cup that completely covered your ear. Took a trip to the vet and a large jar of Vaseline for him to pass that one.

Shadow (black Lab): numerous frogs.

Nikki (beagle): her pillow from her dog house.

My first pug, Ching-Ching, was still only a tiny pup one day when we put her in the garage while I mopped and waxed the kitchen floor. In our garage there was an old sofa; I say was because when we opened the door to let her back in, Ching had ripped the cushions to shreds, eaten a fair amount of the stuffing, and was sitting amid the disembowelled sofa remains panting happily, with bits of stuffing stuck to her little black, wrinkled face and to her back. Her expression seemed to say, “Look what I did in just twenty minutes! Aren’t you proud of me?”

Oh man, I am laughing out loud! This is great!

Taj, my old Doberman/German Sheperd mix, once ate an entire pair of pantyhose in one piece. That’s about 3 feet of nylon! She was only a puppy, so digesting it might have meant the end of her. We only knew about it because she harked it back up right away. I went into the back yard to see what that… thing… was, all covered with spit 'n stuff, and surprise! My only pair without a run!

Well, my dog just has a fondness for used socks, which isn’t all that odd.

But, I figured I’d give you some tips on keeping puppy occupied. Put some goodies in an empty toilet roll and fold the ends over. He’ll have half an hour or so of trying to get the goodies out.

When he’s mastered the tp rolls, put some kibble in an empty soda bottle (plastic) and have him figure out how to get the stuff out.

As a final, desperate attempt to keep him occupied, put three cups upside down on the floor and hide something yummy under one of them.

The good part is, that dogs are all that smart all the time. So by tomorrow when he’s bored again, he’ll have forgotten how the hell he did it last time.

I forgot to add the exploits of Angus, the Newfoundland from Hell.

The other day, I found the remains of what could only be an entire box of crayons in a poop. And there I was, thinking the toddler had hidden them behind the couch…

No wonder the kid can’t draw, somebody’s eating his crayons!

I have a kitten story. When I was in college my roommate found a box of rubber bands and spent an evening absent mindedly chaining them while watching TV. A couple of days later I notice my kitten (Rabbit) dragging his butt along the carpet. I thought maybe he had a worm or something, because he was fresh from the pound. I grabbed a big wad of paper towels, and without thinking grabbed at the thing hanging out of his butt, but not him. He freaked, ran away, and out came two feet of chained rubberbands, whipping back at me. Eeeeeeeeeeew. I cannot describe the smell of the stuff caught on the knots.

He hasn’t had any rubberbands lately, but he absolutely adores the green plastic covers that wrap around Always brand maxipads. He’s very brand loyal. I will be buying a different brand next time, as a deterrent.

At least your dog just likes the plastic part. My old dog ADORED used feminine hygiene products.

She also liked pop cans and bottles and hockey pucks (which shred into teeny tiny little pieces when chewed on by a dog).

My Black Lab has a fondness for soap. She managed to snaffle a bar out of the shower once when I was at work. I came home, and from one end of the hall to the other was diarrhea, I mean the place stunk!. Ended up having to get rid of the hall carpet. It’s now kept well out of her way. (The soap that is, not the hall carpet)

There used to be a site called “Strange Foreign Objects Found in Dog Feces” with many strange and wonderful stories. I was going to link to it, but it seems to be defunct now. Oh, hell - just in case it’s the connection here and the site still exists, it’s here.

Our Golden Retriever has an unrelenting fondness for throw pillows and my husband’s bathrobes. At one point, Joe was wandering around in what looked like rags (and now IS rags) - one sleeve half-eaten and shredded, the belt tie missing, the bottom of the back of it gone… It was something.

There used to be a site called “Strange Foreign Objects Found in Dog Feces” with many strange and wonderful stories. I was going to link to it, but it seems to be defunct now. Oh, hell - just in case it’s the connection here and the site still exists, it’s here.

Our Golden Retriever has an unrelenting fondness for throw pillows and my husband’s bathrobes. At one point, Joe was wandering around in what looked like rags (and now IS rags) - one sleeve half-eaten and shredded, the belt tie missing, the bottom of the back of it gone… It was something.

ARGH! Now how the hell did that happen? It timed out and I hit Refresh to see if my post went through. I guess it was far enough along in the process that it submitted it again.

Sorry, folks.

[sub]Also sorry to have to use my 400th post on this apology.[/sub]

I have three dogs. The other day, I saw the little one running the way he runs when he has something he shouldn’t have. I chased him down and pulled ‘prize’ out of his mouth…it was a used rubber. ICK!
I yelled at my husband because that meant he had thrown it in the little trashcan in the bedroom, like I told him not to, for that very reason. Small Dog seems to really like used rubbers. I threw it in the covered trash in the bathroom, and went about my business.
A few days later, I hear Small Dog making the ‘I’m gonna throw up soon!’ sound.
I go get my rubber gloves (I hate cleaning vomit, and if it touches me, I just might die) and what I see turns my stomach. Mingled in with all the dogfood and grass Small Dog ate, was another used condom. Full of dogfood. I nearly threw up right on top of it.
Now, the thing that bothers me the most is that my husband and I don’t used condoms that often. Only every once in a while. I know it was a different one than the one I pulled out of his mouth the other day because I threw it in the bathroom trash, and he can’t get in there. That means he had that rubber in his belly for a very long time.


Since it’s fairly commonplace in a mixed-pet household, I won’t even mention the times I’ve caught one of my dogs with his head in the cat box, grazing on Nut-Covered Tootsie Rolls (aka Kitty Krunchies).

I’ll just list a few of the things that Grizzly has eaten:

Tinsel from the Christmas tree. I noticed about a 6" piece of it hanging from his ass one day. He was busy picking up his bone, so I snuck up behind him and yanked that sucker out like I was starting a lawnmower. It was then that I first heard the Yelp Of Surprise.

Crayons. Part of the good ol’ Crayola box of 64 was that day’s Snack Pack for Grizzly. Science experiment # 37: not only does wax survive digestion, but so does color. I thought I was having an acid flashback when picking up after him the next day. “Wow, man, psychedelic!”

Pennies. I don’t know how many, where he got them from, or if he was trying to make change, but somehow he ate a bunch of pennies. They say dogs instinctively know what their dietary deficiencies are, and apparently his was copper.

The tip-off came when I was picking up his bank deposits in the backyard, and saw Lincoln and his clones staring up at me. The lesson to be learned? Beware of people offering their two-cents worth, for they just may be full of shit.

Dogzilla (IRL) got her nickname from eating my then-boyfriend’s glasses. He laid them on the couch and left them there while we went into the bedroom to finish our business. ahem. When I came out of the bedroom, the dog met me in the hall with the stem of his glasses sticking out of her mouth. Eventually, we found all the other pieces, but had to take a trip to Lenscrafters before he could drive home. On the way over there, he sighed, “You’re dog… IS dogzilla.”

And a screen name was born!


P.S She also eats Kitty Krunchies, cat puke, cat hair balls. Basically, if the cat is through with it and leaves it behind… the dog gets it.