Trump will be the oldest person to begin their tenure as president at 70. Clearly, electing an older person as POTUS, isn’t an impediment to the electorate.
Biden is currently 74, so he would be 78 if elected in 2020.
Too old, or not a concern?
Trump will be the oldest person to begin their tenure as president at 70. Clearly, electing an older person as POTUS, isn’t an impediment to the electorate.
Biden is currently 74, so he would be 78 if elected in 2020.
Too old, or not a concern?
He won’t run, but yeah, I think that’s too old for the rigors of office. I’m thinking they may put up Nikki Haley as someone who can bring in women, minorities, and men who think she’s hot.
As a centrist-moderate Democrat and a big fan of Biden… I’d have to say no, he would just be too old. I have no concerns he would be incapable of doing the job but at that age there are no certainties regarding health and mental fitness. Two terms puts him at 86 years old! Beyond that, I’d really rather see the Democratic Party bring younger “future of the party” types to the table although none come to mind right now.
No one will win the next Democratic primary except Warren or Sanders, probably Warren.
I don’t care about age any more. I hope he runs, in addition to plenty of other Democrats. Let’s have a great big primary with tons of candidates, and see who rises to the top.
Take a poll first lol
He’s too old end of story …
I’m hoping for Tammy Duckworth. Biden could’ve won against Trump this cycle, but he won’t have a chance in 2020.
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When the Republicans did something like that, it didn’t end well.
Well I do and I’m sure a large portion of the electorate would too. This year I would have voted for him over Clinton or Trump but it wasn’t an option. 82 by the end of his first potential term? Too old.
Trouble was, there were too many serious candidates and not enough batshit candidates. The serious vote splintered and the batshit vote solidified.
I love Joe Biden, but I’m afraid he’s just a little too old in 2020. But we have other people in the party. What we can’t do is let one person clear the field years before it gets underway.
Our party is different. We had a tiny group, and we ended up with a losing candidate. They had a giant group and won, with a candidate that greatly appealed to their base.
You didn’t have a tiny group. You had a pre-crowned candidate and an outsider popped in and shook things up because too many in the party didn’t like being told who the candidate was going to be.
I love Biden and wish to God he had run this year, but his window of opportunity is now gone. Yeah, he’s too old. So are, IMO, Sanders and Warren in 2020.
Dems have plenty of younger, charismatic leaders who need to step up now. And unlike what happened this year, the party leadership needs to encourage challengers and not select a presumptive nominee from the old guard before anyone has started running.
If you want charismatic look no further than Cory Booker. I saw he speak to a crowd several times when he was mayor of Newark. Off the cuff with no notes or teleprompter he was mesmerizing.
I think Biden would have beaten Trump easily this year but he will be too old in 2020. The Democratic party needs to move on and find someone from Obama’s generation or younger.
That’s a pretty tiny group (2, essentially, plus a few nobodies).
That didn’t work out so well for Hillary.
I don’t thing that hotness was part of the appeal, though she won a plurality of the vote nonetheless.
I’m a big fan of Booker too, but like I said, we have to resist the temptation of choosing a nominee before we have any candidates. How awesome would it be to go into a primary race thinking ‘well, I like all four of these candidates, this is a tough choice’ instead of ‘do I want this person to be the nominee or should I protest and vote for the other guy?’
Another big Joe Biden fan here, but Progressives need a more charismatic, younger candidate with less baggage. The problem with having a long record in public service is that there is more material available with which to savage the candidate.
Booker’s great, but keep an eye on Gavin Newsom, too. He’ll be in the mix, I believe. If not in 2020, then 2024. We need more of these.