Yes, this episode gets its very own thread!
Looks like another Sheldon/Penny battle, as he bans her from the apartment.
See you at 8:30pm(ish)!
Yes, this episode gets its very own thread!
Looks like another Sheldon/Penny battle, as he bans her from the apartment.
See you at 8:30pm(ish)!
A great idea. I was thinking we should do one each week.
Yeah, this is definitely coming along great. I love Penny’s approach to this.
Just watched it, hilarious. I was sitting there laughing out loud. Best episode since the one where Sheldon moves out. Looks like the interplay between Penny and Sheldon is comedy gold.
Also loved that Penny’s first strike was many months ago, for sending Sheldon a LOL cat through e-mail.
It cracked me up!
Sheldon/Penny with Leonard trying to mediate was hilarious.
Penny: There’s your burger. Enjoy. <evil pause> I dare you.
Plus the line about Sheldon “He’s one lab accident away from being a Supervillian” combined with Sheldon’s badly done “Mwahauahau”.
And how can one not adore Wolowitz (aka Moist)?
“Junior rodeo.”
Poor Leonard, having to mediate. “You could take his class. Online. Oh, not Junior Rodeo.”
This show always make me hungry though. They’re always eating delicious looking take out.
Sheldon: You’re dealing with powers beyond your ken.
Penny: Your Ken can kiss my Barbie goodbye!
Okay, a few more thoughts. Yes, it does look like Sheldon v Penny is the standout comedy theme for the sophomore season. Raj can be funny, sometimes. Leonard can definitely be funny. Howard is always funny, especially in small doses. But for the big laughs, just put Kaley and Jim in a scene together and let them loose! Unfortunately, now that the writers have realized this, they’ll probably get more and more screen time, crowding out Leonard… but that’s not all bad.
I did love the theme of the prank war, with Sheldon as the evil mastermind dreaming up outrageous schemes to teach Penny her lesson, while she, cleverly, realized that Sheldon was so neurotic and suspicious that she could effectively fire back with very simple tricks.
The B plot of the other guys, (mostly Howard,) becoming obsessed with the Top Model house and finding it was fairly diverting.
Near the end, where Leonard gives Penny the secret weapon, (Sheldon’s mother’s number and possibly some of the right things to say to her,) I had something run through my head that I wondered might be occuring to the character or the writers:
“It’ll shorten the war by five years… [okay, what now? Something about saving lives, but how many? Realistically, this kind of infighting wouldn’t likely claim many lives, should I just say two or three? No, go for the whole cliche, being so ridiculous may help the line out!] …and save millions of lives.”
I liked how Penny was also reticent to use the Secret Weapon…like she knew she was dropping the bomb on Hiroshima.
However, I must agree with Sheldon in one respect. You never ever touch someone else’s onion rings.
Nice bit on the seat on the couch…harks back to the first episode, and again when Sheldon is trying to find the optimal place to sit in Penny’s apartment.
Always great to see a shout out to “Freaks.”
I also liked how Penny and Sheldon’s door knocking was the same…Bang Bang Bang SHELDON Bang Bang Bang SHELDON Ban Bang Bang Bang SHELDON
Then, when Sheldon went to apologize tap tap tap penny tap tap tap penny
Hee hee hee
Thanks, I couldn’t remember the source, although I knew it was something appropriately geeky (literally *and *figuratively).
Oh thank god they made Sheldon a little more human again. I especially appreciated that he could end it with “well played.”
I am looking forward to the episode where they realize Penny is really one of them when Raj speaks plainly around her but not other girls. And Penny’s subsequent ego-bruising from the realization they see her as one of the guys. Of course, Wolowitz will still try to sleep with her. But he’d sleep with Raj in a dress probably…
Wolowitz was funny. “She taller than all the women in my family, combined.”
Sheldon always knocks like that. Penny was deliberately imitating him.
I love this show. and I’m missing it half the time because of work!! (insert frowny face) I love Leslie Winkel, but I gather she wasn’t in it this week?
Brilliant episode! This show and HIMYM are still going strong. I’m wondering if I missed something though with the B plot. They get into the Top Model place pretending to be cable repair guys, and say “let’s follow the future Mrs Wolowitz”. Was there something after that? It didn’t seem like a resolution.
Anyone else catch this week’s vanity card? I’m having trouble deciding whether it’s actually profound or just a pun.
I thought their locating and infiltrating the Top Model house was resolution enough. We don’t need to actually *see *them get shot down and thrown out.
The vanity card was existential blackmail - friggin’ brilliant.
I love this show - Klingon boggle? Sheldon still playing Klingon boggle while the other nerds have noticed the pretty girls? Penny holding her own in a war with Sheldon? I loved all of it. Oh yeah, Leonard trying to hide the Klingon boggle and Howard telling him, “Like she doesn’t know we’re nerds yet?”