Big Bang Theory to End After This Season

There are a lot of possible categories for TV show statistics. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia will surpass Ozzie and Harriet after it’s next season as the longest running Live Action sitcom. The record may be for number of reasons and not episodes.

Jim Parsons decided not to renew his contract:

I have really enjoyed the series. The quality has gone down a bit in the last few years, though. I am ready for this to be its final season.

Bawwy sells them all into human slavery. Hilarity ensues.

Penny and Amy have children. Fast forward 20 years and the two babies marry each other.

Yikes, that makes things rather awkward. Especially when you juxtapose that with the fact the he will continue to work on YS while everyone else gets canned because of his decision.

Satan comes up from the depths of hell to claim Chuck Lorre’s soul, as per their agreement.

I enjoyed the first 5 or so seasons but it needs to go. It’s way past the point where everyone has become a caricature of themselves.

I somehow find it hard to work up any sympathy for people who are making nearly $1 million/episode. I also think that the crew will have no problem moving on to other projects. They have plenty of warning and a killer resume.

I also doubt that Parsons made the decision suddenly or unilaterally; I imagine he discussed it with his co-stars.

I’m actually glad they’re not trying to carry on without him Cough Law and Order SVU**cough Chris Meloni.

Twelve years is a good run. They can go out with a BANG! (d&r)


My prediction: it was all Raj telling his children how he met their mother.

I’m still hoping he’ll get together with Missy, Sheldon’s sister. She expressed an interest in him way back when, and now she’s newly divorced. I like the Missy character.

Well, we know that 10 years from now, nobody will care about Stuart, since they all will fail to show up for the dinner plans they made at Raj’s Murder Mystery dinner. Stuart will still be single, too, so no R/S slash either.

Raj + Cinnamon 4ever

I predict a stunt clip of the other cast members yelling at him. Asking “What is wrong with you, Jim?”

Another good stunt clip would be Kevin Sussman learning about it well after everyone else. “But I just have another 2 years to pay off my Yugo.”

Yeah, after season 5 it lost a lot. 7 season after that is too many.

I think it’s the right decision. I still like the show (I like the characters), but it’s coasting now instead of running under acceleration.

It’ll be interesting to see what work the cast do after the series end. They are all so instantly identifiable as their characters on the show.

I saw an interview on TV with Christine Baranski (about the Mamma Mia movie, I think). She said she would get “recognised” as Leonard’s mum. Prior to the show, she could move about pretty much left alone. Even though she’s only been in a few episodes, she’s been identified as the character.

I do hope they tie up the series with a “proper ending” and don’t just stop/fizzle out.

Season 12, Episode 24 - Sheldon wakes up after falling into a coma from bad Thai food. The apartment is as we saw it during flashbacks in “The Rocket Reaction.” There is a knock at the door. He answers it. There stands Leonard of 20 years ago, asking about the room for rent. The End.

Raj’s future daughter: That’s it?

Raj: That’s it.

RFD: No. I don’t buy it. That is not the reason you made us listen to this.

Raj: Oh, really? Then what’s the reason?

RFD: Let’s look at the facts here. You made us sit down and listen to this story about how you met mom. Yet mom’s hardly in the story. No. This is a story about how you’re totally in love with Aunt Bernadette. And you’re thinking about asking her out, and you want to know if we’re okay with it.

Raj: I can’t believe this.I kept this story short and to the point, and you guys still missed it.

RFD: The point of the story is that Is that you totally, totally, totally have the hots for Aunt Bernadette.