Big Brother - 7/12/01 SPOILERS!

Justin get kicked out. Bah-hah!

For those who haven’t heard, I guess J-man pulled a knife on Krista this morning. Adios asshole.

Can’t wait to see this

Sorry, cite.

Also, please forgive bad grammar, me.

That was only one of his many missteps. He also pissed on the windows, threw some stuff, etc.:

Violence Threatens Big Brother 2

Plus, Mike tried to seduce Autumn in order to swing her vote. And various other nastiness in the house:

Goodbye, Justin. Hello, Dysfunction.

Yeesh. What a crew.

More fodder for Office pool Big Brother 2 thread…;):smiley:

Just got done watching the show, he so deserved to get kicked out. He still doesn’t realize what he did was wrong.

Mike’s plan did back fire though, his days are numbered.

Last year, the most entertaining part of the show was online, not the webcams, but sites like But alas, these sites are now deceased. Anyone know some good style sites?

Well, what’s a “Sucks” style site? If it’s just one that makes fun of stuff, no, I don’t know of any. But if you want sites that post a variety of articles about it, including positive when it should be and negative when it should be, then have I got the site for you!

[blantant plug]


I am the editor and we have at least four people (including myself) writing about Big Brother 2 – plus another couple who just applied to start. We published one of the first “scoops” that Justin was booted (the link I posted earlier) and have articles about many of the things that have been going on (for example, if you want to know who’s been made the next Head of Household, which won’t be announced on TV 'til tomorrow).

Plus we cover other shows as well, of course.

[/blatant plug]


Anyway, getting to the stuff about Justin – I agree. He is totally clueless. But then, I think Krista is, too. Today or yesterday on the Web cams she was talking about how she really misses Justin and will go see him when she gets out of the house. Ugh.

I was quite pissed that they didn’t show ANYTHING about what Mike had done to Autumn (see the “Goodbye, Justin. Hello, Dysfunction.” article linked earlier). I guess they want sex on the show, but only under their terms…

Thanks David, but I’m not looking just for news, but savage commentary and analysis, background dirt that people dig up, etc. Like for example, it was recently discovered that the “doctor” is not an M.D. but a D.O. And someone dug up photos of the alleged “boat captain/realtor” who turns out to actually be a bikini model. It’s all so faked, it’s sickening, and I want all the sickening details, presented in their most ruthlessly savage form. Surely some site like this exists, but I haven’t found one yet.

You might want to check out Mighty Big TV. They have recaps about all kinds of TV shows. The Big Brother recaps are pretty good. There’s only two right now: one on the first episode and one that recaps Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday all together.
I could not get over Justin’s interview. My favorite part was when he explained that he wasn’t threatening Kent, he was just intimidating him. Thanks for the clarification, you psycho.

MBTV is way lame. A no-spoilers policy, they’re way behind the show, and they run popup ads with Java too. Still looking for a decent site. But thanks for the suggestion.

Chas said:

Hey, what do you think we do on RealityNewsOnline? I’ve had writers rip apart Kent (early on) and Will (later). We scooped almost everybody on Justin being booted. We analyze our asses off! :slight_smile: And I’m working on a couple of Survivor-related stories that, if they work out, you won’t find anywhere else.

A guy I know is working on getting more dirt on that story right now. I won’t actually have it on RealityNewsOnline, but I will have a prominent link to it.

Well, I can’t promise the most ruthlessly savage form, but we certainly present our opinions. I guess it’s up to you if that’s enough. :smiley:

Jeannie said:

Yeah. And this was after he had said, in the Diary Room, that he understood that intimidation wasn’t allowed. What an idiot…

[Idiot Mode]
What’s a D.O.?
[/Idiot Mode]

I thought he was a radiologist.

There was an article in the paper today about the alchohol the players get. They (the producers) were deciding whether or not they should continue to give them booze.
Let’s see, beer makes them act like idiots…should we give them more? :rolleyes:

Doctor of Osteopathy. You can read about some of their dubious aspects here.

What’s worse is that he appears to have gotten his degree through a mail-order university.

I’m just surprised that I can’t find more captured pictures from the live feed. Since CBS went on to charge $20 a month to view it, I sure as hell stopped watching, but I would have thought sure there would be some dedicated fan out there, caturing some of the feeds and displaying them. I would have liked to have seen what lead up to the whole “knife” thing…sigh…oh well, off to Google to search some more.

I was kind of surprised at this as well. The TV Clubhouse has some pics, but not many (they have the one of Justin with the knife to Krista’s throat, but nothing leading up to it). We did get to see some of the video leading up to the knife incident on last Thursday’s show, but not the point at which he actually got the knife, etc.

I’m also kind of surprised there haven’t been more pics available that, um, show things we can’t see on TV. I had somebody write in to me asking if there were any pics of the women who went topless into the hot tub. As far as I can tell, they aren’t out there. I suspect CBS has been blacking out the cameras for shots like those.

Ok David, you got me…that’s really what I was wondering too. Although I could have sworn I saw an article that commented on the fact that during the last day (sunday) of the free broadcast, CBS had let the live feeds go out uncensored, I remember distictly someone saying that one of the ladies had flashed the camera. I don’t know…usually you can find just about anything. No matter what, someone is interested enough to record it, and post it to a site, but I haven’t seen any yet. Although to be honest, I haven’t really looked that hard.

For those who haven’t seen it yet, Justin had a police record. He was never convicted, but he was charged at least five times (combined) for robbery and assault. Good job on the background check, CBS!


I think one of the articles linked here quoted that the producers weren’t going to flat-out reject someone who had a police record. Their logic was that they truly wanted to have all kinds, and someone who’d gotten a drunk-and-disorderly charge (for instance) when they were 23 might not be the same person they were then, but would still be an interesting subject. I’d look up the exact quote, but it’s late.

Some people claim that the “Temptation Island” producers knew all along that that one couple had a kid, and decided to use that information as/if necessary. Wouldn’t surprise me.

Probably very different over here. However, I heard only yesterday that the UK BB house has a ‘secret’ room that they haven’t yet used. Apparently, the idea will be to deck it out as some kind of fantasy scene for role-playing - I guess it’s probably one of a number of options they build in to the set and bring into play according to how things in the house unfold.

Someone also found a trap door in the private ‘shagging’ room - and no, that’s not a euphemism. Yet.