Big Town Hero (sub shop) and Ayn Rand?

I went into one of these sandwich shops over the weekend. (Meh…I’ve got to stop going to places like this.)

It was my first time in one. One wall was a giant mural. I have no idea what the mural was…because the first thing I saw was, painted as part of the mural, a sign that labeled something as “Galt Enterprises, A Rand family…” I might have the exact working wrong, but that was the sentiment. I was so intrigued that I didn’t bother to look at what the mural was. The only reason I mention that is that maybe the entire thing was important.

They called my name and I left…I wish I’d spent more time on it.

Anyway…do the other BTH shops have this?

Was it the one right off of 224? The one at the airport didn’t have such a thing (although I wasn’t looking), and I’m curious as to which one had it?

In an unrelated note, I was disappointed with the sandwich; how was yours?

It was in Ashland, next to Brothers, where I should have eaten, but didn’t have any time and there was a wait.

I didn’t care for the sandwich, although it was better than Subway.

The one in Roseburg has the same thing, if I recall correctly.

Evil requires the sandwich of the victim.

No free refills at the Fountainhead.

And don’t even think about asking if you and a friend can split one.


The place is okay, but their menu takes forever to get through thanks to a 45-page screed against other sandwich shops and a conglomeration of trite oversimplifications on how to make a proper sandwich.