So what congresscritter do you think is most worthy of the title Richard Cranium?
My vote goes to Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe. Check out this story:
He’s refusing to meet with Sonia Sotomayer, saying he’s already decided to vote no on her.
In case you don’t remember he’s also the same dumb ass that said lesbianism is so rampant in high schools that girls can’t even go to the bathroom together anymore and that global warming was a hoax perpetrated by the Weather Channel.
Pretty sure that was Sen Tom Coburn (the other OK senator).
Agree that Inhofe is generally an idiot, but really, if he’s already decided how he’s going to vote on Sotomayor, I don’t really blame him for not bothering to go through the song-and-dance of meeting with her and wasting both their time.
You’re right. I stand corrected. But I still think he’s a major asshole. Check out what he said about the 9/11 attacks:
Fourth paragraph from the bottom.
Inhofe was the first name that came to my mind, but then I remembered Tom Tancredo. God, that guy is an asshole. Mmmm…Michele Bachman is probably more insane than assholish, yeah?
In the military, ‘sir’ and ‘ma’am’ are the proper forms of address for people that outrank you.
Further, I didn’t see him throwing a tantrum when, after explaining how she ‘earned’ :dubious: her title, that she didn’t have the common courtesy to address him by his title that I am quite certain he worked far harder for than she did for hers.
So, she’s an ignorant, rude hypocrit with an inflated sense of her own importance. That sounds like a textbook asshole to me.
Isn’t there some sort of link between how much of an asshole a congressman is, and how much he disagrees with you? It seems like some people are being mentioned not so much for their personalities as for their views on issues.