BigThanks to BigT!!

He’s got to you, hasn’t he?

If formless insults in the Pit are wrong, then I don’t want to be right.

I’m not going to attack him, because it’s like attacking Jello - there’s no satisfaction in it even though I don’t particularly care for Jello. But I AM irritated that people like him with reactions like his really do keep me from posting about how this shit with my brother is tearing my dad up, because I could do with the positive things people would say but just do not feel like being called an insensitive monster today, thanks. What he and others do takes away from the utility of the board in many ways.

You can attack something someone has said - as lorene has done. Or you can make a judgement of someone based on his posting history. That, I would say, is making a judgement based on his online character. So, ‘fucking annoying twat’ is, surely, based on how that person is perceived to be: his ‘character’.

The proper forms for these insults are probably available in an Adobe pdf.

Nice, but that’s not even the remotest bit accurate.

The moron goes around the board scolding people for not precisely following his own weird code of ethics. It’s not that he’s being “too nice”, that would be, say Polycarp. It’s that he’s a self-important condescending toad.

Or…do you cheer when the Religous Right tries to change your behavior for “your own good”? If so, I see why you like BigT.

I am soooo stealing this.
Seriously, BigT’s problem is his need to lecture everyone like a kindergarten teacher, that WE’RE not being nice. And then when called on it, he whines something about how he’s sick, so we’re not allowed to pick on him.

And what galled me is that yesterday he told me if I had a problem with him, I should start a Pit thread. Despite the fact that he can’t even stand up for himself.

You know what, BigT? Sometimes, you HAVE to be an asshole, if you’re going to survive. Maybe, just MAYBE if you stopped thinking everything has to be nicey-nice all the time, you might actually, I dunno, get better? You don’t have to stomp all over people, but if someone is being a jackass, don’t say, “well, if I call them out, that would make ME a jackass too!” Bull and shit.

If saying “fuck you!” to the assholes of the world makes me a bitch, so be it.

Zsofia, if you absolutely need to, I’ve got your back. I’m so sorry to hear about your situation, and you have every right to vent, without someone coming in and telling YOU off. Being mentally ill isn’t an excuse for someone to be a psycho-hose beast.

Oh, I get it. You’re doing a BigT impersonation, aren’t you?

Of course we’re attacking his internet personna/perceived character. This idiocy rolls around every few years (“Well how do you KNOW he’s a bad person? Maybe in real life he donates his time working in soupkitchens to feed homeless orphans with AIDS the best damned gruel they’ve ever had? Even though on the boards, he keeps calling every woman he disagrees with a “stupid c*nt”. How can you attack him when you don’t know who he really is?”) and every time, most sane people agree that who he is doesn’t matter. How he presents himself here does.

You know what - go ahead and post it. I’ll totally be there agreeing at your bro’s douchyness.

You know, BigT doesn’t really leave his house too much, and gets most of his social interactions on the web.

I wonder if his haste to defend everybody is because he’s never had the misfortune to experience a total sociopath/asshole/douche-bag in real life. I guess in someways it’s true that ignorance is bliss - if you’ve never had to deal with evil, it’s probably easier to pretend it doesn’t exist.

Thanks - who can’t use a hug now and then?

I’ve been called a Canadian, and apparently that’s the N-word in Restaurant-speak.

Lorene, I don’t have a problem with you - you did exactly right. You had a problem with BigT and you took it to the Pit. It’s the rest of the Pit Jackals who are getting on MY tits - the ones who like to post nasty things from the safety of being on the majority side. I don’t have any particular beef with BigT so I thought I’d weigh in on his side to even things up a little (yeah, he can be a little annoying - like most of the rest of us).

Cat Whisperer, I hate BigT because he’s really unspeakably stupid. His favorite threads are advice ones - but he’s a shut-in. Morbidly obese, no job. He’s not obtuse or naive or ignorant or right-leaning or anything else hated on this board; he’s just plain, flat out stupid. And that’s something I hate in real life more than nearly anything else. He’s like the anti-vaxxers I’ve encountered recently - completely and utterly detached from reality with little to no life experience yet wholly sure of themselves.

His apology is because…he’s sorry he hurt us? He didn’t hurt us. I just want him to leave and never come back because he’s stupid.

I know I’m not well-liked, and that’s entirely fine by me. I also know, however, that I contribute a lot to the discussion on cooking/food and a few other topics. On the whole my presence is a plus, not a minus. I’m just curious as to what in Og’s holy name he thinks he contributes, in any way, to the community. From my eyes, he’s a parasite.

ETA: Zsofia, please post the thread. My mom and little brother called me on the car’s bluetooth today JUST so they could have a third party listen to them scream at each other. Like I was going to take sides. They were both at fault for the incident! When they stopped begging me to agree with one of them, they started attacking me. So please, PLEASE post the thread. You can separate the whey from the chafe yourself; you’re smart enough to. PS whatever happened to the skirt thread?

ETA #2: Forgot to mention,** BigT **is a social conservative. Blech.

No, the N-word is the N-word in Restaurant-speak.

The safety of being on the majority side? Are you serious? Ask Guinastasia how that works. She’s been getting shit for her “me too” posts for years. The “Pit Jackals” in this thread are expressing their disdain for a poster who - in your own words - can be “annoying.” I don’t think there is a single poster in this thread who is piling on BigTard in order to win cool points.

You didn’t “weigh in” on anything. You posted a stupid rhetorical question that was supposed to mean something, but ultimately amounted to one of BigTard’s “WHY IS EVERYONE SO MEAN???” posts.

What skirt thread? Am I already losing my memory at 30?

BigT isn’t a social anything, remember? (Oooh, burn.)

You’re not well-liked? I’d always liked you fine - I guess I do have poor taste in friends.

My favourite BigT quote:

This, from the shut-in who comments in every social interation thread, the virgin who comments in every relationship thread and the self-appointed moral guardian of the board who doesn’t seem to understand what words like “ethical” and “immoral” mean.

BigT’s characterisation as the peace-loving hippie contrasts sharply with my memory of him as the guy threatening to flip out if things aren’t immediately changed around here to suit him, but I can’t remember what thread that was in.

This is the second time he’s done this that I’ve seen today. The other time was against Shot From Guns in the raping a retard thread. “Likely being molested herself”, “Likely having been raped herself”

Is it just me or is this incredibly sanctimonious? “Those poor girls, still smarting from the abuses they suffered, they can’t help but lash out at people just trying to discuss things with them”

It’s not just you.

Was it this one?

You thought that you would weigh in on the side of the guy siding with the person who wants to pump his jizz in a child? Seriously? And that’s not even considering all of the other things people have a problem with BigT, just the thing mentioned in the OP .

Yeah, raise that flag high.

:smack: Confused you with purplehorseshoe. My bad!

Oh, I make a great friend. If you can take my grating personality ;). Anyways, lady, you had the quote of the year last year with this gem: