A question for the motorcyclists: How much would the lowest form of insurance be for an 80s era Honda CB750, Honda CBX or Kawasaki KZ1000? I am 19 and have a clean driving record. Just give me a ballpark estimate.
Call an insurance agent. There are variables that you must include:
What area do you live in? (Matters!)
Have you taken the riders course?
How long have you been riding
How long have you been driving?
Do you have a motorcycle license endorsement?
Is the bike actually in your name, or your parents?
I pay $190 per year (12 months, no down time) for FULL coverage on a '95 Harley custom. But I’m 45, been a licensed rider for almost 30 years, have a record so clean you can eat off it, and I’ve not only taken the basic riders course (plus refreshers) I’ve also taken a police riders course (it’s tough! :eek: ). So my situation is nothing much like yours.
Also, my policy is simply a rider on my auto/home owners. A seperate policy would cost much more.
I know when I had a Honda Hawk back in 1980 when I was 20 it seemed insurance was a million dollars.
I sure would not want to have to pay the rates a 19 year old pays, even with a clean record. Growing older does have some advantages.
I hate to sound weasely but are you implying that I would have to pay less if I were to ask my father to insure and register the bike under his name?
I"ve never paid more than about 70 bucks a year for liability on any bike I’ve ever owned.
That includes big harleys, BSAs, triumphs, guzzis, etc. I think I pay about 50 a year for my BMW R80/7.
I’ve never taken the safety course, I do have a pretty clean record…one speeding ticket. Been riding 20 years or more but never bothered to get a motorcycle endorsment. YMMV
I think I’m paying about $350/year for full coverage on my R1. Maybe less, but I don’t remember.
Brand new Kaw Ninja cost 34 y/o hub less than $200/year, two years ago.
I’m implying nothing. I asked because a lot of 19 year olds still live with their parents and operate vehicles owned by the 'rents. I asked who actually owned it because that can be a determining factor of the premium. Many times vehicles insured on a home owner policy auto rider will cost less than a seperate auto policy.
I don’t suggest titling a vehicle in someone elses name unless you will also be named on an insurance policy. It could be fraud.
We get our motorcycle insurance through Progressive, it’s very reasonably priced. For a 2002 Honda VTX 1800 and a 1994 1100 Virago we pay 278.00 for the whole year.
Get your own quote here;http://affinity.progressive.com/product/motorcycle.asp?code=8004009333
Thats full coverage right?
Yes. I just got my policy out to check, it seems ridiculously inexpensive.
The Honda is $175/ year, the Yamaha is $103. Both are $250 deductible for collision and comprehensive, includes roadside assistance.
We are both in our 40’s and live in a small town in Wisconsin. We got a homeowner and multi-cycle discount.
I know someone over 50 with the same Honda and the price goes way up, probably double.
Thanks for the insurance website. That helps a LOT.
How in the FUCK do these frat guys on CBRs afford it? More than 250 dollars a month for a 2004 600 sportbike (if you’re 19) - are these guys riding around without insurance?
I should have said the liability only would be $39.00 for the Honda and 23 for the Yamaha.
after 20 years of insuring bikes, a couple of tips.
SHOP AROUND. for long stretches I would switch between dairlyand and progressive every single year. One of them was always willing to give me a lower rate when the other went up.
If you dont have a motorcyle endorsement, don’t volunteer that. I’m not saying lie about it, but if they dont ask…
I once had an agent tell me to say I was married when I wasn’t. He said there was now way they could check and you get a lower rate. I am in fact married now so it’s not an issue for me.
Many agents dont want to bother with motorcycle insurance…You could get a high quote from dairyland for instance, and then call another agent and get a quote for half that amount.
Is it common practice for people to ride around without the M on their license? What happens if you get caught doing so?
Depends on the state. In Texas, yes it is common. Its a small fine if you get caught. I’ve had a few tickets for it, many many years ago. I did it in Utah, till I found out they took it seriously up there.
Argent Towers What did you find out about how much you would have to pay for insurance?
Got some Progressive quotes that look very good, nothing above 40 dollars a month for the particular bikes I’m wanting. I’m very relieved.
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