Bildebergs in Viriginia- any solid media coverage?

and if not, why not?

Alas, right now, all I’ve heard of it is from… nutjob Alex Jones, alas.

Why would there be press attention? It’s not open to the press, and private groups meet all the time.

Uh… because they control the world? :rolleyes:

So do the FBI guard this thing normally, or because these nuts try to get in?

Anyway, I think I have a handle on these guys. I think it has to do with an inability to believe that human stupidity can be responsible for the gross inequalities of this world.

But really, people vote against their own self-interests all the time.

Actually, I believe the correct term is “Bildeburgers”. Or is it Bildebergers? I get confused with all the different groups attempting world domination.

I don’t think the Bilde-whatevers could be up to much, because I don’t see anything about a meeting on David Icke’s website, and I depend on him for alerts. Of course, it’s possible that the giant shape-shifting lizards he warns us about could have eaten him and prevented the website from being updated.

125 giant lizards meeting at a Virginia hotel to discuss the future of the world - now that raises interesting questions. What kinds of insects will be featured at the buffet? Will the corporate media dare to cover the event, and catch someone in the act of molting?

Go ahead, bask in your ignorance.

Whatever happened to the Trilateral Commission? Like Jackmannii, I too get confused with all the different groups attempting world domination.

The Bilderbergers are an organization of European nobility and Western Industrialists. Or at least started that way.

The Trilateral Commission was an organization designed around setting up an American, European, Japanese co-prosperity sphere. Thus the name, “Trilateral” denoting the three regions involved. This was started by David Rockefeller I believe.

The Council on Foreign Relations is a Think Tank/Publishing company where old politicos go after retirement to write policy papers on where they think the world should go.

Basically rich Oligarchs get together and have rich Oligarch conventions. Just like Comic book publishers get together and have ComicCons. Other such conventions are the Sun Valley conference in Idaho, The Augusta National Golf Club and the Bohemian Grove retreat. Nothing mysterious, nothing to keep straight. It’s just rich and powerful people getting together and comparing notes on what they are working on, and how they can possibly work together to implement their plans. That they impact our lives in ways that are quite broad, is what makes them into ‘evil conspiracies’.

Well, that, and putting on skits and holding silly ceremonies and getting and staying drunk, that is.

Yeah, well, I know plenty of non-rich people that do that too.

I saw a reputable documentary about this ( “Them: Adventures with Extremists” by Ron Jonson, review of the DVD is here ), and the surprising conclusion was that despite the huge number of EXTREMLY dodgy crazies reporting on the them, the Bildeberg group does actually existing, and does contain alot of the worldwide luminaries that are reported to be part of it.