Bill O'Reilly don't do that

So, Bill O’Reilly is seated two seats to my right at the Yankee / Mets game on Friday night. Everybody glanced at him, but that was the extent of any interaction.
Matsui hits a home-run in the sixth, I think, and the high fives are being shared with the seats behind me and in front. I reach across the guy to my immediate right and say…
And he says…‘I don’t do that’.

He don’t do that. And I’m an Olbermann fan. I am ashamed.
He left the game in the eighth inning so he never saw the Mets LOOSE on a minor pop up.
Fuck him.

Possibly for the first time ever, I’m with Bill.

Wait, you WANTED to touch Bill O’Reilly?


Hey! ltfire don’t doo that!

Yeah- eeeeeeeewwwwww…


Your first mistake was going to a Mets/Yankees game, really.
</Phillies fan>

Senator Al Franken would high five for the Twins.

Wait, are the Mets and the Yankees playing in the World Series this year?

And isn’t it a little early?

ETA: congratulations on getting tickets, though.

Shoulda smacked him instead.

Where ya been? Major League Baseball’s been having interleague games since 1997. Yanks and Mets play six times a year.

When the hell did everyone start saying “loose” when they meant “lose”? I see it all over the internet now and it bugs the shit out of me.

You should have brought along a falafel to stick up O’Reilly’s ass.

Word is he prefers the “down low.”

Evidently I was in the bathroom when they attempted to consult me. I definitely would have refused approval to an abomination of such magnitude.

This is worse than when they allowed Rupert “Satan’s Mentor” Murdoch to buy my Dodgers.

But not quite as bad as their refusal to utterly repudiate and apologize for the D***ed Hr, like I told them to.

Maybe I’ll just find a different sport to be a fan of. What’s a good cricket team?

Damn straight. Someone refuses the five at a sporting event, you get to put the five right in the middle of his forehead. That’s a law.

Dear Phillies fan:

Please learn to beat the Red Sox in Interleague play.


Rays fan

snicker I’d have paid to see that.

Quite frankly, while I’m not a baseball fan at all, I really, REALLY wish the Pirates would step up. C’mon, guys! We won the Super Bowl AND the Stanley Cup – and you guys INSIST on sucking!!!


Er, we’re working on it.

And also tonight’s game was really just a horrible horrible nightmare in which the Phillies literally and completely forgot how to play baseball. Because there’s no way that first inning actually happened for real, right?