Birthplace of the U.S. Air Force?

Yesterday I was in Texas City, Texas and I stopped at a park the city has kindly provided. In the company of a gate guard F-100 and a replica Curtiss, I read of Texas City’s claim to be the birthplace of the Air Force, based on it’s being the original base for the First Aero Squadron of the Army, c. 1913.

I was unaware of this.

So, what’s the skinny, folks? Do people outside the pool of denizens of Texas City recognize this as the birthplace of the Air Force?

Here is a year by year rundown ofAir Force history. You can decide for yourself where the Air Force started.

There is this under the heading “The Flying School Moves.”

“With the advent of winter weather, it was decided to move the flying school to a more favorable climate. On November 28, 1911, five officers, twenty enlisted men, and four airplanes, together with motor vehicles, wagons, horses, and mules, moved by special train to Augusta, Georgia, where tent hangars were erected in a field near the town”

Followed further down the page by this:

“on February 28, 1913, the Augusta contingent left Georgia by train for Texas City, Texas because of a tense border situation resulting from a revolution in Mexico. Arriving in Texas on March 2, the eight flying officers, one doctor, and twenty-two enlisted men began operations as the “First Aero Squadron.” Numerous practice flights were made at Texas City, but when it became evident there would be no military operations on the border, it was decided to transfer most of the personnel and equipment to San Diego to rejoin the contingent which had taken the Curtiss airplanes from College Park to North Island in November 1912. This move began on June 15, 1913, and by November 28, flying operations at Texas City had ceased.”

Here’s a handy link with USAF history.

So while there were activites prior to 1913, the 1st official Squadron was in Texas.

To me saying that the home of the Air Force is anywhere is ignoring the fact that first there was the U.S. Army Air Force. It was not until after WWII that the U.S. Air Force became a separate part of the armed forces. To me this means that Texas City has a claim to fame but it isn’t being the home of the U.S. Air Force.

According to the OP (and apparently the plaque he read), Texas City claims to be the “Birthplace” of the Air Force, not the “Home of the United States Air Force”. It seems that, as the home of the first organized Army Signal Corps aircraft squadron, and keeping in mind that the Army Signal Corps aviation congingent became the US Army Air Corps, which became the US Army Air Forces, which became the United States Air Force in 1947…well, I’d say it’s a legitimate claim.

Thanks for the replies. I guess I’d go with Kilt-wearin’ man’s interpretation, that being that Texas City has a legitimate claim.

kilt-wearing man;
I would simply refer you to the title of this thread, which is Birthplace of the U.S. Air Force..

:wink: [sup]I rest my case.[/sup]