"Bitches" being pitted. Enough already?

First, the caveat:

Yes, I am a newbie. Yes, I have read the SDMB for years now. Yes, I am a thoughtful person, sensitive to the feelings and rights of all people.


Am I the only one that reads this board and is sick and tired of women being pitted as “bitches” and/or worse?

There are far too many threads relevant to this topic for me to cite: “bitches” are pitted for being bad drivers, bad mothers, bad workers, bad lovers, bad internet posters, bad eaters, bad walkers, bad talkers, bad writers, bad readers, bad employers, bad Gods, bad farters, bad sleepwalkers…etc, etc…

Enough already!

Another caveat:

I too delight in trashing women I hate as “bitches.” It feels good when venting. But I am disturbed by the volume and intensity of this sort of “pitting.” It’s starting to feel too much like misogyny. And that bothers me, because I don’t think men are “pitted” in quite the same way.


Maybe using the term “bitch” is far more satisfying than saying " bastard" or “prick”, when applied to males. I don’t know for sure. It’s just that something smells bad and the stink, to my nose, is wrong. I’m not blaming the individuals that use this term, God knows I have used it a-plenty, it’s just a cumulative thing that is hitting me over the head.

Thank you for reading this.

One other thing: We have had a War on Poverty, we have had a War on Drugs. Isn’t it about time we have a War on Rape?

If we conducted a War on Rape the way we’ve conducted the War on Poverty or the War on Drugs, I’d be a lot happier if we just left things the way they are, considering that both poverty and drug use have skyrocketed since having war declared on them!

Yah, I saw that coming.

Damn straight, Mama Tiger!

I’m sorry, did I miss where calling a woman a bitch in a pit post is the equivalent or “rape”? Or is your pit post just a long line of non-sequitors all tied together?


Gosh, I WISH someone would pit me as a bitch.

at least then I’d know I said something someone noticed :smiley:

… and men, whatever we refer to them as, are being pitted for the same things. Do you think women are being pitted for things men aren’t pitted for? What things are those? Do you think that people are criticizing women more harshly than they’d criticize men for the same thing? Bitch is an easy term to use for a woman that pisses you off. Just because it’s used in a pitting doesn’t mean that there’s any extra venom in there, necessarily. If you think women are being pitted unfairly, and that it’s happening a lot, maybe some examples would help.


Some people use the word ‘bitch’ as a feminine form of an insult.

Me for example, don’t call guys bitches and don’t call girls assholes. I don’t call a guy a cunt or a girl a dick. I am not sexist in my use of insults, both genders get an equal smattering of vocabulary!

Hey, people, the PROPER spelling is “bitchez.” Let’s take a little pride in our posts!

What’s the preferred term? Ho? Cunt? Penis-impaired? Persons of the female persuasion with whom I take umbrage?

Are we giving this word a bit too much power?

What do you want people to do, pit the nice girls that aren’t bitches? :rolleyes:

I have nothing to back this up, but I suspect that “fat bitch” and “old bitch” have been used here more frequently than “fat bastard” and “old bastard.”

People are more dismissive of women as they age or gain weight.

As a guy, I’d have to say, I think that word is being used a bit too much myself. And there are plenty of times when, after reading an OP, it seems to me that the woman being called bitch, doesn’t deserve to be. Half the time a milder word is more appropriate. Well, in my opinion anyway.

I can’t believe there aren’t more biotch threads.

I got in the habit of calling asshole females assholes and weirdly enough people sometimes try to correct me. Females can’t be assholes? Who made this rule and why?

I see ‘skank’ on this board a lot. I find it way more offensive than bitch. I don’t know why words like bitch and slut still exsist. Cunt I can understand. I would call a man a cunt. To me it’s the same a dick or asshole. I don’t see nuances in the various insults based on body parts. But bitch, slut, skank, ho, etc bug me because they all basically say you’re extra shitty because you’re not a guy. Or I expect more from you because you’re a female. Or something stupid.

I see no different whatsoever between “bitch” and “jackass.” Each implies stupidity, is nicely pejorative, and derives its etymology from a gender-specific animal term. Really, do we have to get offended over everything? It makes us look like jackasses. And bitches.

Would it be a terrible tangent to wonder out loud just why “bitch” came to have the nasty implication that it does?

I mean - in terms of nasty creatures - why not wasp or something, or move onto plants and use “stinging nettle”.

I only wonder because it general, people planning to get a dog often chosse a bitch, on the grounds of more loyal, affectionate, better with kids or whatever*.

  • which could be untrue anyway, I realise.

Ah well, normal service to be resumed now, my esteemed bitches and jackasses.

And yes, I do think the OP makes quite a fair point.

I though the correct spelling was “biatch”, oh the errors of my ways!

These things go in waves. Someone puts Bitch in a thread title and then Bitch appears in a lot more. Just like Asshat or Assclowns or Manhattan.

It’s a phase.

Littering bitches…