First, the caveat:
Yes, I am a newbie. Yes, I have read the SDMB for years now. Yes, I am a thoughtful person, sensitive to the feelings and rights of all people.
Am I the only one that reads this board and is sick and tired of women being pitted as “bitches” and/or worse?
There are far too many threads relevant to this topic for me to cite: “bitches” are pitted for being bad drivers, bad mothers, bad workers, bad lovers, bad internet posters, bad eaters, bad walkers, bad talkers, bad writers, bad readers, bad employers, bad Gods, bad farters, bad sleepwalkers…etc, etc…
Enough already!
Another caveat:
I too delight in trashing women I hate as “bitches.” It feels good when venting. But I am disturbed by the volume and intensity of this sort of “pitting.” It’s starting to feel too much like misogyny. And that bothers me, because I don’t think men are “pitted” in quite the same way.
Maybe using the term “bitch” is far more satisfying than saying " bastard" or “prick”, when applied to males. I don’t know for sure. It’s just that something smells bad and the stink, to my nose, is wrong. I’m not blaming the individuals that use this term, God knows I have used it a-plenty, it’s just a cumulative thing that is hitting me over the head.
Thank you for reading this.
One other thing: We have had a War on Poverty, we have had a War on Drugs. Isn’t it about time we have a War on Rape?