Does anybody know where this civil expression came from?:slight_smile:

I could tell ya, but then I’d have to…well, you know.:smiley:

I’ve wondered this myself. I have no evidence to support my theory, but here it is:

An invitation to “bite me” is actually an invitation for the person to try to (literally) bite you. When he attempts to do so, you will proceed to turn him into a bloody pulp, and there’s nothing he can do about it.

Related are “kiss my ass” and “blow me”. Those could be similar invitations to a beating, but I think it makes more sense to think of them as saying, “You will perform a sexual or unpleasant favour upon me because I have the power to make you do so. I have the strength and/or power to make you to this, and if you do not comply you will be beaten into a bloody pulp. And there is nothing you can do about it.”

Anyway, that’s my WAG. Am I putting too much thought into this?

So aside from the humorous pk, and Johnny – who seems to have put a lot a thought into this:D – no takers? Search engines and Ask Jeeves haven’t been too useful. Still hopeful that the end of the week-end will bring in a few experts…:smiley:

I think it’s easier to say “bit me” than it is to say, “Knock this chip off my shoulder” or “Step over this line.”