Blade vs Neo

Both have speed, strength, martial arts, and guns.

Which would win?

Uhh, since Neo’s effectively God, there’s really no contest here. The winner is clearly Batman.

Couldn’t Neo just rain wooden stakes at Blade until he turned into ash?

Ripped-shirt Kirk takes 'em all down.

Does either one of them have a 1920’s style “Death Ray?”

Your argument is brilliant, succinct, and irrefutable. Someone should have closed this thread right there and then.

It depends on the form of the contest, doesn’t it?

If they’re having a scowling contest, Neo probably ends up breaking down into tears. If the fight’s based on pitting raw acting talent versus raw acting talent…man, I dunno. It wouldn’t be pretty.

However: Neo doesn’t have his skills outside the Matrix, unless you’re a robot. Blade does. And isn’t a robot.

So you’ve got basically a vampire with a sword and a machine gun versus a pasty geek.

And then the Aliens and Predators show up and all hell breaks loose!

I think the toxic avenger mops the floor with the lot of em’

As the two of them are about to face off, Blade suddenly notices his head has come detached. He has about two seconds of surprise and anguish on his face before his entire body melts into cinders.

Neo looks up to a man in a blue shirt wielding a chainsaw. He begins to tell the man that he is but a construct of the machine, created long ago by now-ancient machines who want to wrest control away from the humans to create a breeding ground for energy.

The man looks confused for a moment. “What in the hell are you TALKING about, you little computer nerd?” Neo has no time to formulate a 15-minute dissertation in response, as he becomes intimately acquainted with the butt-end of a Remington 12-gauge.

“Oh, sure. I came into a future I don’t understand. Dissolving black vampires, and pasty-white men in black dresses. But I tamed S-Mart. I can tame this lawless, cloudy Earth.”
Winner: Ash.

Best. Post. Ever.