Blast Phaedrus, ten cents a throw!

I think that Phaedrus is crumbling. I can prove this by a book I have read, which I cannot summarise (you’ll just have to read it yourself), and by reference to a Stone Age pamphlet.

I would write more, but I don’t have time.

Actually I have just stubbed my toe, which is quite painful, so don’t criticise me.

You are all fortunate to have the benefit of my extensive experience of Phaedrus - I have spent 40 years (well, it feels that long) reading his posts. At first I thought he would make sense, but now I have changed my mind.

I would write more, but I don’t have time.

All right, I am prepared to give you the logical explanation as to why your pathetic attempts to prove that ‘Phaedrus does present a logical case’ are doomed to failure.

First be aware that facts only serve to confuse and disturb the trained mind, such as mine. Let me reveal my mastery of logic (a subject I doubt any of you know how to use properly).

Since I am clearly right, then anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. Therefore anyone who contradicts me merely serves to prove I am right.

I would write more, but I don’t have time.

You are all welcome to read this, my thread, which is mine. In fact, I will take pleasure in advertising my astounding logical powers in other threads. Naturally these threads will then become mine.

Why is the Guy stuff thread so long? It must not become longer than my thread, otherwise it will be longer. Conversely, in this unhappy case, my thread will be shorter.

The Guy stuff thread does not contain any of my logic. Therefore I do not see why anyone would post to it. There are no arguments on the guy thread. This does not make sense.

‘One small step for man, one giant sleep for mankind’

Heliocentricism is crumbling. In my studies of astronomy, planets have been found that were not known in 1890. We can tell that it is a new planet because when we slice it thin and project light through it we see a picture of a Disney dog. If I were a heliocentric scientist, when I found a new planet (which I did but I haven’t published it yet) I would be yelling from the rooftops that this new planet was more proof for heliocentricism. But us astromoner types are more sensible than that.

Also, in Oregon a very important scientist found some planets which have not been seen to to orbit around the Sun at all. It is assumed that they are in accordance with traditional Copernicanism, but that’s only because Copernicanism is assumed to be the reason that planets orbit. I haven’t seen these planets and no one has seen them complete an orbit, so heliocentricism is crumbling.

Also, the Moon isn’t orbiting around the Sun, it is orbiting around the Earth. Mercury is about the same size as the Moon and it orbits around the Sun. Unless you can show me a transitional orbit, or something that orbits around both the Sun and the Earth, I will logically say that heliocentricism is crumbling.

I would say more, but I don’t have enough time. But I will flirt with Gaudere like a wino on the subway.

Dr. Fidelius, Charlatan and Saint
Associate Curator Anomalous Paleontology, Miskatonic University
“You cannot reason a man out of a position he did not reach through reason.”

Hey, you, yes you with the slicked back hair, come here baby-cakes, let me show you some dirty pictures of the man in the moon.

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)


This space for rent.

OMG Glee! Thanks, I just pee’d my pants.

Please tell your pants it’s not polite to point.

Yes, Wally . And you are a cyber-slut so ?

Remember, I am she who must be obeyed, and I can have as many cyber-lovers as I wish, it’s the law !

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

Okay, so I felt a twinge of jealouy.
Is there no end to your infedelity?
Next, you’ll be acting out with Phaedrus himself.
Well, here’s a news flash: He’s too busy to respond to you because he’s in the middle of reading a book that he’s going to order. :slight_smile:

This space for rent.

Sweetheart, even I have SOME standards !

I would sooner flirt with Mr. Rogers AWC, than Phaedrus. And I don’t even do kids !

At least the hi-jacking seems to be going well.

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)


Thank you! (It was my first ever flame).

Oh, we’re in the pit…

Thank you! (gruffly)

I don’t have to spend<fony size=5> 10 cents</font> to bast Phadey, only<font size=5> 8 cents</font>.

Why 8 cents?

<font size= 5>'Cause Phaedrus always gets his 2 cents worth in first, need it or not.</font> Is this proof of his masochism, or what?
C’mere, Ayesha. (Runs finger up & down Ayesha’s spine; rubs her shoulders, rubs her neck , nibbles on neck & shoulders…) :o

Is an appreciation of beauty a function of the human soul?

I’m there Daniel, I’m there.

See Wally, THAT’S how it’s done.


Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

2 cents

For what a man had rather were true he more readily believes.

Hey Phaedrus! Pennies, not slugs,dammit!
{Licks Ayesha’s ear}

Is an appreciation of beauty a function of the human soul?

You guys are the sorriest people I’ve ever met.

To see you all gather to throw half-witted, lame insults at the GREAT Pheadrus just makes me almost wanna laugh.

Just face it. Pheadrus gets into your weak little sissy beliefs and tears your tiny world apart. And you just can’t handle the hurt so you lash back with your inane insults hoping to redeem the pain.

I wonder, seriously, who’s the troll?

There’s always another beer.

Wow, my eyes have been opened. Now I realize there’s a little bit of troll in each and every one of us. Shame on me and shame on this board.

Imagine, we all wasted our time picking on someone that asked for it. Have we no conscience? And to use the BBQ pit to do it!! This pit needs to be renamed the Snuggly Pit of Fluffy Bunny Love to showcase all of the good things we have to share about others.

Well, it stops right now. I plan to never pick on anyone again. In fact, I am going to go flog myself for preious misdeeds and then seek out the tender words of my fellow, ashamed posters and try to atone for all of our hateful words.

With much love and respect

Dammit Mully, shut the fuck up already you stupid goof !

*sits back, waiting for Mully to compliment him on the positive words extracted from the comment above… :wink: *


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

While I don’t think some of those words fit in the SPOFBL (Snuggly Pit of Fluffy Bunny Love) that I want to create, I can see that reading between the lines you are also apologizing to Phaedrus and taking the high road that Beeruser so thoughtfully built for us.

Off to go whistle a happy tune and give thanks to Beeruser for setting me free.

I am very disturbed after reading through these endless ad hominems directed at far and away the most intelligent and articulate poster ever to grace this undeserving message board. I mean, of course, Phaedrus. If you would simply listen to him, perhaps you might get a clue. What I find remarkable is Phaedrus’ infinite patience and tolerance of all of you. He presents post after post in rapid fire succession, each packed with emperical and imperative data that prove the case he makes conclusively. Meanwhile, all of you taunt him incessantly with demands for more, more, more! Well, I am here to provide you more.

I was a key thinker at America’s most prestigious think-tank for 42 years, and was, prior to that, a Munt-Fellow scholar for 25 years at Oxford, Picadilly Campus. For more than 30 years, I wrote speaches for a dozen American presidents and scores of high ranking Chinese bureaucrats. I engineered the peace accords that were signed at Versailles, and have been consulted the past 9 years by CEOs at 15 different Fortune 500 companies. I trade directly from my seat at Nasdaq, and I am Vice-assistant Undersecretary of the Illuminati. I present these credentials only by way of information for those interested. They have nothing whatsoever to do with what I am writing about, but I present them solely for the benefit of David B and, of course, the androgenous poster from Iceland.

I only have time for a very brief post, and so I will post only briefly.

Now, I will present to you the case of the African River Moth. How does evolution explain the very peculiar calene ratio of this moth? You would expect its calene ratio to be disaproxiate if evolution were true, but we find in this moth a distinctly aproxiate ratio of calene to pachy. Compare the abstented abdomen of the African River Moth to the thorax of a butter gnat, and you will be astounded to find NO SIGNIFICANT TAXONOMIC DIFFERENCES. I repeat that: no significant taxonomic differences. (Note here that I mean taxonomic in the psychological sense as presented in the theories of Jung, and not in the ontological sense as presented by Ayn Rand. Later, I will explain to all of you what a theory is, but I don’t have time right now.)

Consider also the grasshopper.

If evolution were true, we would expect that grasshoppers would hop backwards, since the evolution model is expressed graphically as a logarithmic curve. But grasshoppers do not hop backwards; they hop forwards, implying an intelligent design. You can prove this is true basically by flipping a coin. There is a 50% chance you will get heads, and a 50% chance that you will get tails. Well, by the same token, there was a 50% chance that we would be in an alternate universe. Since we are not in an alternate universe, but are, in fact, in the universe in which we find ourselves, we can expect that the grasshopper will hop forward. And in fact, it does! Evidence of design.

I really cannot post much more because I have to leave to pick up my nobel prize.

But what about the Myodictux tree? How do you explain that its sap cannot penetrate its bark. If evolution were true, this tree could not reproduce. Why? Try looking at retinal tissue from an ordinary housefly under great magnification. You will discover cells that bear an uncanny resemblance to the cells in Myodictux! In both cases, the cells have cell walls made of membrane, nuclei made of genetic-type material, and DNAs that are similar to two significant digits, and that is a Post Hec Olfactum falacy. If evolution is true, then the Myodictux tree must be a direct descendant of the common housefly. And that, of course, is absurd.

Now, already I have given you sufficient evidence to disprove evolution, but I am only talking about Darwinism. There is ample evidence, according to Dr. Laura Schlessinger, of the Institute for Hysterical Paranoids, that the theory perpetrated by Darwin and other socialists of the time, was nothing more than a hoax. Did you know that Darwin was a divinity school dropout? You can prove this if you read the books that I have read, and I have read thousands of them. They do not even include the books I have in my vast library, which is fifty stories tall, and was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Later, I will give you more, but for now I really must go.

One more thing. My grammar is perfect. I am tired of Ayesha’s flirting. And all my friends at camp have died from anthrax. I am a religious man, but I do like putting vacuum cleaner hoses up my ass. Now, I know that even with all the proof I have given you here for creationism, there will still be some doubting Thomases, but that is outside the realm of philosophy, on which I have written prodigiously and soon will be published. I have already had work published in scientific and medical journals as well as typing tutorials.

Now, I would hand around and let all of you yell at me, but I think I might simply start a new thread for that. Oh, and speaking of which, why is it that all of you constantly demand more and more proof from Phaedrus but offer up no proof of your own. Who among you has cited the laboratory experiment where billions of years of evolution have been replicated? Nevermind that, if evolution were true, you would need 10^128 years for a single blob of Big Bang plasma to evolve into even a simple protein molecule. And if the universe were that old, the stars, as everyone knows, would have all burned out by now.

Well nya nya nya. I am sick of all of you. Shame on you. A pox on all your houses.

I have to leave right now, and I might never come back because my wife was kidnapped by Navy SEALs and taken to Ruby Ridge, where they have threatened to tie her to a tree with her back facing FBI marksmen. But let me just leave you with this: if evolution were true, then why should I type these words at all? Why not just let a monkey smack at keys until, after billions of years, my post will automatically appear! Oooh! Just like magic! Sheesh, if you believe in Darwinism, you’ll believe in anything. O, how gullible the silly masses.

Though I were from whence I will have been, I ought rather would to be than to have been at all.

For some reason, that struck me as the most supremely hilarious line out of the whole post.

Phaedrus–Pest Or Nuisance?
Threat Or Menace?

The ball’s in your court…

And next week, we ask: “Was Goebbels a Yeti?”

Is an appreciation of beauty a function of the human soul?