Blast Phaedrus, ten cents a throw!

That has GOT to be the funniest fuckin’ thing I have read in a LOOOONNGG time. I will never drink again whilst reading your posts, Libertarian, SIR!!

Don’t drink and read. A public service message from M.A.D.R…

Bravo, Libertarian. A masterwork.

Now, repeat it another 487 times.

Oh, oh Libertarian said my name. Now I get to

Flirt, flirt,flirt, flirt,flirt, flirt, flirt, flirt,flirt and on and on till I reach 69 anyway !

Ah, thats better

w/o any pants on !

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

Thanks, Lib. I needed that.

Kudo, Lib.
Yes, I am aware that Cecil says that the correct term is “kudos.” However, he is clearly wrong, as he is about most things. Kudos implies pluralism, of which the Melting Pot idealization is an example.
Kudo, on the other hand, is a singularity, which to the physicists among you, is a black hole. Theoretically, nature abhors a naked singularity, but none of you know the definition of “theory” and the fallacy it’s tied to, so I will only say that naked black holes do exist and that I have seen one when I was in the Navy.

But I grow weary…

This space for rent.

Phaedrus is almost coming slightly close to maybe possibly taking a stand. Kinda.

Among some great points and some extremely talented obfuscation (as per usual), we get these gems:

And my personal faves:

Hills like white elephants. (Bonus points for getting my obscure references. Can I be the pedant du jour this time?)

Promises, promises . . .


Beeruser: Wow, thanks, you are so kind. This time I REALLY am without many words.


For what a man had rather were true he more readily believes.

I am evolved from Phaedrus

Perhaps Phaedrus could benefit by stuffing the words he pulls out of his ass back up there.

To quote andros, "Phaedrus is …coming…to…some great points…my fave [s] is “I will also be covering as many points from the entire thread, hoping not to leave any uncovered and perhaps going over Phillip E. Johnson’s book, “Darwin on Trial.””
Andros: Thanks :wink:

<font size=6>Phaedrus–where do you find the time?

You get up in the morning (out of your coffin) , put on your clown make up, shove your size24 wides up your ass all the way to China–and then put in a full & busy day of being a complete & utter BUMBLEFUCK.

Your energy astounds me!</font>

Save The Endangered Jackalope! Send Cash Now! If You Do This, I Will Use The Cash To Save Any Jackalope That I Happen To Find! Send Cash Now! Before It’s Too Late! My Bills, I Mean The Jackalope’s Bills Are Due The 15th Of The Month!
This has been a message from the Illuminated Committee To Save The Jackalope. Fnord.

Oh Danny boy the la la la la la la (can’t remember the words)

Thank you for your large print post. I didn’t even need my glasses to read it.

I laughed so hard my adult diapers filled and my store teeth chipped a key when they flew out of my mouth and hit the keyboard.

Thank you again,

ps I think I love you.

Just so Our Lord Phaedrus the Completely Droolingly Insane doesn’t get the last word.


One can almost see the spittle hitting the monitor…

Last word. :wink:

Libertarian, that was funny as shit! Even the sig was brilliant! God Damn!

And a great big thanks to 'ol Phaedrus for being out-of-the-ordinary. You, sir, are a blessing to this forum!

Hell is Other People.

Sake: thanks! You sound like a great guitarist, if we were closer I would like to jam!

I noticed you turn chickenshit when Ayesha gets you cornered, though.

(Not so very great a change to accomplish, true; but still noticable)

Save The Endangered Jackalope! Send Cash Now! If You Do This, I Will Use The Cash To Save Any Jackalope That I Happen To Find! Send Cash Now! Before It’s Too Late! My Bills, I Mean The Jackalope’s Bills Are Due The 15th Of The Month!
This has been a message from the Illuminated Committee To Save The Jackalope. Fnord.

daniel: yeah, I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but I ain’t THAT dumb!!! :wink: