Blue-light glasses = sunglasses without dark tinting?

With these computer-user blue-light glasses, are they blocking blue light and UV radiation? If so, does that just make them sunglasses (but without the dark tint?)

I think they specifically let blue and green through. “Blue blockers” are copper tinted.


I think you forgot a link. What are “these” blue-light glasses?

They are called Crizaland are designed to help ease eye fatigue for those who stare at a computer all day but also need to see the “real” color of what they are looking at. I’m an instructional designer who spends a lot of time dealing with online graphics. Color accuracy is important in my work so I chose Crizal lenses because the color they allow me to see is much better than other anti-glare glasses.

That said, I don’t think they would make good sunglasses even though they can be UV resistant. They don’t darken the world. I’ve not tried mine, as they are for computer-distance only.

No, they filter out some portion of the blue-violet end of the spectrum. Blue light is hard for our eyes to focus on and is what causes that annoying glare from things like street lights and car HID headlamps (especially those demos who put HID capsules in housings not meant for them.) if you want to filter out almost all of that end of the spectrum you need selective yellow tint.

Note that plain dark-tinted sunglasses are of limited use. Your pupils will dilate to adjust for the most part.

I wear polarized sunglasses. The polarization helps a lot with many types of glare and reflections. In fact, I wear them driving during driving rain as they help to see further ahead thru the reflections off the drops from my headlights.

So UV blocking and polarization are the main benefits of sunglasses. Being merely blue light blocking isn’t the same as either.

(BTW, note that tinted sunglasses without UV blocking are a very bad idea. The dilated pupils are letting in even more UV.)