I made my wife go to see Watchmen with me. She’s not a geek but I went to see He’s just not that Into you last week, so she owed me.
Afterwards I asked what she thought:
“Big blue penis,” she said.
I get her point. The big blue penis did get a lot of screen time, and it was actually the most expressive part of Dr. Manhattan’s character. None of the rest of him moved, but it was kind of hypnotic to watch it swing back and forth as we walked down the stairs. It was especially hypnotic as it was somewhat out of synch, like it was extremely heavy and swinging underwater.
The big blue penis seems to have a lot more mass than a normal penis, like it’s filled with mercury or something.
Discounting the color, I notice he’s circumcised. Dr. Manhattan reconstructs himself from scratch, without hair or pupils, but he reconstructs a circumcision?
He probably went from memory, and I doubt if he remembers what his penis looked like way back when he was a little bitty newborn and had a foreskin. Even if he had, who wants a baby penis?
What makes me giggle is that I know that there had to have been at least one meeting, during the development of the movie, devoted entirely to Dr. Manhattan’s penis.
I’ve got to say, as I was waiting for the movie to start I was thinking, “gotta remember to look for the prominent blue wang.”
I don’t think I noticed it once; I certainly noticed he was nude, but it’s not like they zoomed in. A non-glowing-blue person’s penis would have been much more noticable.
I only noticed because I actively looked for it, and it never registered after the first couple times. I was more surprised by Nite Owl’s ass, personally. It had to’ve popped up at least two or three times.
The other thing odd was that he was walking around with a postcoital penis. As man evolved he learned that having his dingus flopping about all the time was a bit of hazard. It could get caught on thorns, or kids might try to hang on it.
Most of the time it kind of retreats or pulls into the body. The only time it hangs out all long and languid and heavy like that is after sex.
The other thing that I noticed about it was that it was mounted rather high. Mine comes attached at the base of the pubic bone.
The other other other thing is that I think Dr Manhattan took a few liberties in his reconstruction. I doubt the original was that size.
Loved it. Glad they didn’t saddle him with the pathetic little Ken doll bulge from the novel. I think I must have grinned from ear to ear every time it was on screen, though it did get ‘old,’ which was perfect and, I think, the intended effect. Beyond the wang, Snyder did a good job of devoting as much time and as many slow tilts and pans to the boys as he did to the ladies, which was a nice change. Nothing like matching full frontal nudity, tit for tat.
He could just have a tight foreskin. I don’t look closely at dicks, but I enjoy porn, particularly European porn, so I’ve seen any number of uncut dicks. Also, my family had a cabin at a nudist camp when I was a kid, so I’ve seen hundreds of naked folks walking around. I thought it looked uncircumcised, with the foreskin tightly encasing the head, mostly because I didn’t see the flange.
Not necessarily post sex, but definitely post erection.
A phrase stuck in my head from an article about a Playgirl magazine photo shoot. This was back in the 80s, and they couldn’t show an erection. But neither did they wish to show it totally soft. The phrase was “maximum tumescence in repose”.
I read the graphic novel a few weeks ago, and I had a conversation with my husband about the decision to cut it out with the creatively drawn penis obstructions in the artwork and JUST SHOW IT. From a certain point on, Gibbons just draws the junk instead of putting a vase or a table or something in front of Dr. Manhattan. We laughed about it, and somehow we started simply referring to “Bluepenis ™.” As in, "hey, there was a lot of Bluepenis in that last chapter, wasn’t there?
We were not prepared for the unnatural male enhancement that the Doc apparently went through in the film version. Holy mackerel, he was swinging some pipe. Me: “Bluepenis…” Him: “Yeah, yeah…there was that…”
NO WAY anyone didn’t notice it. What’s the deal with so many people saying they didn’t?