What is your definition of body shaming and do you think it’s a problem?
I’ve never heard the term. I think this thread might do better if you defined the term your ownself, gave an example, and asked posters for examples and opinions.
I ask this because I read an ABC News article on body shaming (people being mocked for their size). The article really doesn’t talk about males being made fun of for their size, but I think it happens. When I was a kid, I was constantly bullied for being overweight. I was healthy. I swam competitively. I played soccer and pick-up basketball. I just had baby fat. I knew that I was healthy, but it still hurt.
Of course it’s a problem; it doesn’t matter whether you call it by its modern jargon of “body shaming” or just “picking on people” or “being a jerk:” It’s bullying, telling people they’re inadequate because of what their bodies look like.
Just a couple of weeks ago, I walked into the office of a coworker who has struggled with her weight. She greeted me with a cheerful, “Hey, there, Skinny Bitch!” I was supposed to chuckle and take it as a compliment.
Except it’s not. She’s trying to make me feel like a piece of shit about being fit because she cannot control her own weight. Nevermind how I eat and exercise. Body shaming is the last socially acceptable form of bigotry in this country. I hate hating on fat people as much as I hate fat people who have to call me Skinny Bitch. There’s a much more polite way to tell me that I’ve been doing a great job keeping myself in shape. I suppose I could have looked at her and said, “Hey, how ya doin’ Fat Cow?” but I would have found myself in the director’s office getting chewed out. Because it’s okay to hate on skinny people with a bullshit, left-handed “compliment” but it’s totally unacceptable to fire that hate right back.
It looks like you already defined it, and yes, it’s a problem.
The worst was what I did to myself. I was tall and rail thin, embarassingly so. But I’ve always loved being on the beach, so I just gave up being self-conscious. Of course, at first I had to pretend to not be self-conscious, but it kinda took on momentum.
Now I’m self-conscious because I’m old. But I gave that up too, and only have to pretend a little.
Wow. Where do you work? I would think this would be unacceptable workplace behavior. There should be workplace bullying policies.
I work with an asshole.
This person is a teacher. Fortunately for all of us, she’s not teaching in a classroom (formerly a middle-school language arts teacher). Unfortunately for me, while there is a workplace harassment policy, we have different employers. I am under contract here and she works for my company’s client. So I could go cry to my HR and they’d reassign me, but I might have to move across the country because there might not be any telecommuting gigs available. Or I could go crying to her HR, but they don’t care about me because I don’t belong to them. And my company would be all, “Oh, you want to report the client for being abusive? :dubious: Right, we’ll get right on that.” I told my onsite supervisor about the incident (she also works for the client) and her job is to report that up the food chain, but we are led by Mr. Passive Nospine, so… I just avoid this bully until our contract runs out, which should be in a little over a year. Fortunately for me, I have enough self-esteem that her comment only made me mad; it didn’t destroy my self-image and send me into a cowering, tearful downward spiral path that was paved with Cheetos and Twinkies. No, that’s her path and she’s just projecting. So in the end, I win. I can look at myself nekkid in the mirror and feel good about what I see. She can’t.
In a minute or two someone will ask for a photographic cite. I am sending you the flaming-bee-cannon remote control so you can deal with them as you will.
OOoooo! Flaming bee cannon remote control! It’s like… early Christmas! Thank you!
Incidentally, and totally off-topic, recently, I saw an advertisement for “handerpants.” Little underpants for your hands. Completely useless, but I want a pair. To use with the flaming bee cannon remote control.