Bodypoet's very sick Christmas

That’s right. Sick on Christmas. More specifically, I started feeling bad about halfway through my paper route on Christmas eve, when I was just beginning to gear up for having—whoohoo!–one of my five days off per year. “Yes!” I thought to myself, “No paper route tomorrow! I can sleep late! I can laze all day, open gifts, play with the kiddos, watch movies, etc!” Yes, I even said, aloud, to myself at 5:30 a.m. on Christmas eve morn, “et cetera.” That’s how excited I was.
Then I got a little pang in my stomach. Had a bit of water, and carried on. Then I had a few more pangs, and pretty soon I consisted pretty much of ever-increasing bodywide pangs, and all the sips of water in the world were not helping. I limped through the end of my route, remembered I had to stop at the store for medicine for the sick baby, and staggered into Marsh. When I checked out, the checkout lady said, “Do you have your Marsh car…oh, no, I’ll use the store card. You need to go home and go to BED, honey.”
I spent the entire day in bed, moaning, groaning, whining, and immobilized by nausea. Oh, man, was I sick. My husband offered to take me to the hospital but since he couldn’t promise me that they would either euthanize me or at least knock me out completely, I wasn’t willing to risk the inevitable barforama that would have been brought on by that much movement.
I seriously considered posting to the SD to ask for prayers, spells, incantations, get-well dances, or anything else that might help, but I couldn’t make it to the living room. THAT’s how sick I was, if you can imagine.

Today, I’m back on my feet, if not exactly bouncing with energy. I’ve had lots of iced tea and a big of grilled cheese, and feel much MUCH better to be back among the living. I slept most of the day and will go to my sister’s tomorrow for a late Christmas. We have about 7 inches of snow, so tomorrow I’ll be wading through it on my paper route, plus I have an extra 65 papers to deliver, PLUS the babies are going with me. Whew! But at least I’m not sick anymore, so I certainly am NOT going to complain.

Hope everyone else is WELL and had a wonderful Christmas! I guess I should go wrap some presents now…


i hope all goes well now.

would you like some chicken soup for dinner?

That stinks. I remember one year when my husband and my son were both sick on Christmas. It was sad to watch my boy looking at the new toys but being to sick to even want to play with them.

Hope you feel better soon.

I spent two consecutive Christmases in hospital.

I’m sorry you felt as poorly as you did.

Wow. I thought I had it bad because I’m at work and have no family in town, but at least I’m not sick.

Glad you’re feeling better.

Thanks for all the good thoughts. I’m just very grateful that it hit me yesterday and not today or tomorrow, when I have to work. It’s hard to call in sick when you don’t even have a phone number to call at 3 a.m.! I have got to remember to ask for that next time I see my d.m.

Well, I’m sick on Boxing Day. Got home from Xmas Dinner chez les parents, and was achy and unpleasant all over. Woke up this morning with a pounding headache, same aches, and a quickly-fulfilled impulse to worship the porcelain god.

Hamish, who came for dinner, is also sick, but my parents told me they’re fine. Weird. Maybe some kind of genetically engineered heathen-destroyer virus.

I got home from Christmas at the inlaws last night, and went to bed within an hour. Slept 10 hours and I still feel like crap, and I’m at work now. At least I wasn’t barfing, though - sorry bodypoet, that sounds miserable.

The flu hit our house as well. Made it’s rounds through the heathens which is a bad thing since my youngest is now bruising again and his platelets are way down which could mean back to the hospital for us.
I got it yesterday but didn’t have the time to slow down and let it get me. I had my side of the family over for dinner. Turkey in the roaster, ham in the oven, bread in the maker and various other pots and pans going overtime.
I know if I would have taken just two minutes to slow down it would have gotten me and it would have been a very bad thing.
Only to be made worse by hubby riding me about dinner not being done on time and all the noise.
But that story will be left for e-mail if Bodypoet is still willing to lend an ear.
Gods, it’s just getting better and better all the time.:frowning: :rolleyes:

Oh, how awful for you all. Kricket, my best to your little one, and you as well, of course. And honey, you know I am always willing to listen to you–hell, I’m more than happy to dish out free advice, unconditional support, lotsa love, and the occasional bar of handmade soap as well. Can I email you privately? I’m a bit worried about it being intercepted…
**Ferret Herder, matt_mcl, hamish…**I can only hope that it’s a very quick bug for you, as it has been for me. I was in misery for 24 hours, felt very shaky for another 24, and feel pretty well today except for being a bit tired (and that’s not unusual around here.)
I’ll be thinking of you all, and of all the other Dopers too ill to post over their holiday break! What a bummer, to be sick on a holiday. :frowning:

I feel bad for you all feeling so sick, but could you have been suffering from food poisoning, instead of flu? Are your holiday companions feeling okay? Get better soon.

There is a tummy flu going around HERE as well. (In WA state)

Sorry you got it, sweetie, but glad that your husband was a dear about wanting to make sure you were all right. I know, I am just a big noodge.

Hope you ended up with a very merry, in spite of everything.

Well, bodypoet, it’s good to hear you’ve turned the corner and are back on your feet. Still, I know it must be a drag to get sick on Christmas.

I waited until today.