If you scroll to the bottom of this page, there is some little tiny print that says “vB code is on.” If you click on this, it will show you how to do many neat little tricks.
BTW, I should point out that on Netscape on the Mac, boldface looks almost the same as regular type. If you use bold, just realize that as much as 10% of the readers are not seeing it.
What version of Netscape are you using? I’m on 4.78 I think, I can see it is slightly wider but no bolder. I’m using the default settings.
Mozilla works properly though.
I’m using 4.78 on a Mac and boldface works fine but I do get a superfluous character at the end of almost all of my posts. I don’t think this happens when I post from iCab or Opera. It’s no big deal with this message board but is a major pain in the arse when I do journal searches at my university library from home. All my searches have an extra character appended and so obviously my searches turn up nothing. Deleting the character does nothing as it just gets re-attached This means I have to go into uni just to check the catalogues. Anybody have any suggestions?st
Er…if that was directed at me, Mersavets, I have to confess that I’m mostly a computer dunce–I knew about the fonts only because I’d run into the problem myself. So I have no idea.
If you don’t get an answer here shortly, you might consider posting the question in GQ…though the Anti-Mac Mafia may show up to make fun of you.
I’ve already tried that in ATMB. It just drew blanks from the mods and most posters although a few people suggested I just accept it and even develop it as a sort of trademark. I was content with that until this problem with the university catalogues came up. Unlike SDMB posters, the catalogue system is not quirk-tolerant.uq
Well…the only thing I can think of is maybe trashing Netscape and reloading it, or maybe converting to a slightly different version. Or…I personally don’t care for IE, but maybe it would work better for you.
Just out of curiousity, does it add the extras when you preview?
It adds an extra character when I preview and an extra when I submit the post. I can delete the first character in the preview but I’m just too lazy now since there will be at least one added anyway when I post. On a related note, I also have random space s inserted inside my words.
I had the same problem with Netscape 4.6 as well.e
Hah! Just realised where the random space occured in my last post. Anyway, I’ve posted at a couple of other boards but this is the first place where this has happened. I only just discovered the issue with the catalogues the other day. The worst part is that the particular system I’m talking about doesn’t support booleans in the usual way. I should be able to enter my query and then add an OR operator. That way, the junk character will be added after the OR operator and I will still get results. Instead, I have to search for each term and then use checkmarks to combine the results of each of my searches. So each search has to be clean and exactly what I’m after.
I just don’t understand why others using the same version of Netscape on Macs don’t have the same problem. One of my flatmates claims the computer has been doing weird things ever since I installed Cyrillic scripts and a Russian keyboard. Duh! Like printing all the Rs and Ns bak to front? Then again, she believes in Creationism so I guess there’s one possibility we can safely eliminate.n