I’m hoping y’all are fonts of information on perverse behaviour…
A “friend” told me of a practice in hardcore S&M where the dominator injects a small amount of his feces just under the skin of the submissive, forming a small blister - the “shit blister” if you will. I just nodded and changed the conversation.
Sooo, is this REALLY done? It seems way unsanitary. I Googled but could only find instances of people being called “shit blisters” and one entry in an “urban slang dictionary” by someone who claimed it was from vigorous anal sex.
Please enlighten, and sorry if I ruined anyone’s appetite.
Much of BDSM is in the mental aspects of the situation. No reasonable dominant would endanger their submissive with such an act that might cause infection. But a skilled dominant might do several safe things including injections if they have the medical knowledge, and may lead the submissive to believe that excretia is being injected when it is actually IV fluid (or maybe even a drug that causes some swelling and blistering). A similar ruse would be to heat a poker in front of a well tied submissive, walk behind them with it and out of sight place a shaped piece of ice where the submissive believes the poker might be put.
bippy, that is of course true, anyone doing it right will be very professional and reasonable. thats really not relivent to if its done. a reasonable peircer that knows anything at all will not use a filthy sewing needle to peirce an ear or a nipple… does that mean it doesn’t happen? pretty much no.
I wasn’t meaning that it couldn’t possibly be being done by some immoral idiot. I was just indicating that a rumour could originate where a skilled dominant had convinced their submissive that such a thing was being done to them, even thou what actually happened was far less dangerous. A small subcutaneous saline injection would be most worying for a submissive even though actually quite safe. Still all that sort of thing is very extreme for my tastes.
sad sad experiance has taught me that when it comes to something sexual… if you hear someone might have done something somewhere. someone has done that… somewhere.
How on earth could anybody inject feces through a hypodermic syringe? It would have to be pretty thin diarrhea to pass through a hollowed-out needle.
Having said this, during research for my book on opioid addiction, I interviewed a guy, about 30-35 years old, who was addicted to painkillers, and he described the various ways he injured himself in order to get opioids at the hospital emergency room.
He told me some pretty disturbing things he had done, like breaking his ankle, slashing himself across the chest with a razor blade, etc., but what shocked me the most was this: he claimed that at one point, he scooped up some … uh … “recently used” toilet water from a public restroom and had a friend of his inject it intravenously to induce a high fever so the symptoms of whatever it was he was trying to fake would appear more believable. He said he ended up not only with a high fever, but excruciating pain in his hands, feet, and arms that lasted for 18 hours.
Miraculously, he apparently didn’t get hepatitis. But I still washed vigorously after shaking his hand.
That sounds terribly, terribly close to the punji stakes used in the Vietnam war. Sharpened bamboo sticks were dipped in cattle dung before being submerged in the mud of a rice paddy. Anyone who stepped on the dungy spike before it rotted away would be poisoned.
Yeah, those punji stakes were pretty nasty. Fecal bacteria and the like can be extremely dangerous. Komodo dragons (and probably some other carnivorous reptiles) use a variation on that to kill their prey – the scraps of rotting meat that are stuck in between their teeth and gums fill their saliva with a rich stew of lethal bacteria, and when they attack their prey, they usually only make one quick slashing bite and then retreat, letting the animal escape. It doesn’t take long for the infection to kill the animal or at least render it immobile, and the smell of infected flesh guides the dragon to its prey where it can leisurely devour it. So while the Gila monster and its cousin the Mexican Beaded lizard are technically the only venomous lizards, there are other lizards whose bites are dangerously poisonous.
It’s not exactly fecal injection … but it’s close, since many of the bacteria are the same kind you’d find in feces. Personally, I try to avoid giant lizard bites and people who want to inject poop into my skin for sexual gratification. It just makes sense!
Chorpler wrote:
“Personally, I try to avoid giant lizard bites and people who want to inject poop into my skin for sexual gratification. It just makes sense!”
Good advice, that! The real-life guidance you can find every day on the SDMB is a trove of wisdom. Life is good.
Just joking, but now that I’ve got your attention:
I’ll second this. Except for the potential head trip, I couldn’t see how injecting poop under someone’s skin could be a source of erotic gratification for anyone. Most BD/Ds/SM(/aeiou, &c., &c) play gets what it’s got from some sort of power exchange, not from specifically doing icky things. Maybe I’m just not kinky enough, but this sounds about as erotic to me as the idea of sex in an open hole latrine just to see if it could be done might seem to a person who has no interest in BDSM.
Just for the sake of fighting ignorance, “shit blisters” is not bondage which is all about tying up and being tied up. Bondage is often used as an umbrella term for BDSM generally, but BDSM is a perfectly good umbrella term already.
Shit blisters would be more like SM, scat, etc. if it were a real practice. I wish I could say for sure it isn’t, but I’ve been to boards where people have asked things like, “How can I safely get fire ants up my urethra?” and “Where can I buy some chloroform?”
Yes, that urban dictionary site is the one I referenced in my post, but I can’t trust any information source that uses the phrases “pole smokers” and “man meat” and “fag friction”. Doesn’t that place have a moderator?
Sounds more like somthing somebady made up at one point and then perhaps passed on as an urban legend. Somehow I don’t think Snopes has an entry for it /checks/ Nope.
And yes, Evil Captor, I should have used the more correct term of S&M for this.
Ha. No. I get asked that often though. Its from an episode of Beavis and Butthead. Beavis has to go to hospital and gives his name as Rodney Munch. Theres a classic bit when the (evil) doctor is laughing manically and goes “Rod Munch, eh?”