The three words are “Arbitrary and capricious”. This phrase is a registered trademark of mine from the G-Board and your using them here is a gross violation of both law and netiquette.
It is also completely false inasmuch as you’re a pretty mellow guy and not arbitrary at all.
< removes gloves, slaps Bone across the face and flings them in the dirt at his feet >
Suh! If you do not do something completely arbitrary and capricous in the next 24 hours, I will sue you for stealing my trademark and false advertising. And the morning after that, it’s pistols at dawn.
I would say your trademark is invalid due to prior use. I have very little tools to penalize you for this gross misrepresentation, but consider yourself banned for 10 seconds. I memorialized this with the following picture.
I saw that. He used his secret DopeMod powers to insert his post ahead of mine. Everyone knows that you folks have precient software.
Also? A one minute suspension? I saw it when it happened and I thought it was a board glitch. Almost like a burp and barely as threatening. So I can only assume you’re a CHICKEN Bone.
(Chicken bone. Geddit? That’s a pun, or play on words. Humor son. I keep throwing them out and you keep a’missin’ them)
Also? Prior use? Nobody in the entire history of the UNIVERSE had called themselves arbitrary and capricious before me. There is no evidence that to show otherwise. You LOSE.
And Bone. Your discipline messages should follow this format:
*Here is what the mod who Boxed you typed into the required “message to the Boxee” field:
For fun and because I wanted to see if a two hour boxing would work. If you get permaboxed or you catch fire or something, it’s Giraffe’s fault. That’s G-I-R-A-F-F-E for the police report.*
We don’t let him near sharp objects or matches, we feel it’s safer that way.
And so that I may burn this image in your mind, from this point forward when you think of Fenris, you will conjure this image. Very angry looking, with a chicken mullet, but actually quite a sweet little guy who just wants to cuddle.
*btw, that’s the same chicken as in the first picture on the left.