Boomers: Why Do People Act Old Before They Are?
I’ve been wondering about this for twenty years or so. *There are a whole lot of us Boomers. *So why is it that it’s so hard to meet other people in my agerange (I’m now 50) who have similar interests? I grew up in Socal, so I recognize that some people who grew up in less progressive areas might not have experienced what I did in my youth. But still…tons of us listened to the same music, read sf&f, [just examples here, OTTOMH] enjoyed the same films, ate granola and all that that implies, shared similar sexual openness or political ideals. But as early as my late 20s in the working world, I found others of my age to be listening to crap “old people” music, reading best sellers or nothing at all, becoming more conservative and generally less open and flexible. It was hard, even then, to find similar people. Now, at 50, those with our generation’s characteristic approach to life seem to be rarer and rarer.
Let me just clarify that I don’t cling to my lost youth as some way to avoid aging. I’m proud of my age and look forward to the changes ahead, and I never try desperate measures to “stay young”. I don’t dress in lowslung jeans with highslung thongs, nor do I want to pierce my navel or have plastic surgery. I just wonder why so many boomers start to dress old, think old, act old, and become more rigid generally, before they significantly biologically decline with age. I recognize that having a family and accumulating assets might change one’s viewpoint. Life experience teaches us new lessons, we discover new interests, change in many ways, but heck, I’ve done all that and it hasn’t changed the type of music I like (old or new), my interest in sf&f, my openness, nor my general view of the world…
Am I an exception, or is there some cool hideout the rest of you boomers inhabit that I don’t know about?