Bored at work....aahgh

You would think that not having anything to do would be a good thing. Well it’s not. I work at the help desk at a large community college. We are so slow I’m tearing my hair out. As you have probaly guessed, I don’t post a whole lot and I can only spend so many hours a day reading the Dope ( I know it’s very hard to believe, but I swear it’s true)
The day passes so slow when nothing is going on. Short of running out and breaking machines myself, does any one have any suggestions on how to make the day pass a little more quickly?

If you come up with anything pass it along.

I cleared my pending stuff this morning and I can’t start the next phase until Monday for various reasons. I’ve got half an hour to go and I’m dyin’ here.

Go to this thread – -and let me know how you do. Still can’t find that dang lighter!