Boston Legal 5/2

I didn’t check to see what’s up with the Crane Poole and Schmidt law firm tonight, but there may be something involving the rarely seen Poole.

Yeah, Edwin Poole was on. I haven’t been watching long enough to know much about him but apparently there is someone at that law firm that’s crazier than Denny Crane.

I’ll have to watch my tape of this tomorrow.
I remember Poole being taken away on a stretcher because he had shown up for work at the firm without his undies or pants.

One of the better episodes for me. Candice redeemed herself in this one. I’m bored with the whole “thing” between Brad and Denise but I suppose there must be some point to be made beyond introducing to the slow learners in the audience the concept of “friends with benefits” (as if nobody reads The Dope).

Adam Arkin is such a nice guy to detest, isn’t he?

Does anybody get the feeling that David E. Kelley has a low opinion of lawyers and their mental stability?

I live for the balcony scenes. Wonder why they’re so appealing…

Is there really precedent for the prosecutor to be called as a witness by the defence?

Spader and Shatner play off each other so well. Damn, they’re good together.

I’m tired of Denise and Brad too (that didn’t take long).

When Shirley was reading the list of ingredients on the snack cakes, I gawped when she came to the dye made from crushed cochineal (sp?) beetles. Is that true?

And is it true about the high fructose corn syrup? That it sends a signal to your brain that you’re still hungry?

Yep, beetles. Since this is the Straight Dope where we have to provide proof here’s a cite on carmine.
Someone else can look up the high fructose corn syrup but I seem to recall reading some stuff recently that backs that up, too.

Denny Crane with a bullseye on his behind----what a sight!

I’m curious to see how the food case will come out. Yes, food additives and refined ingredients can be quite nasty; that’s enough reason to stay away from Little Jimmies and Yum Dingers.

Because James Spader and William Shatner could read the phone book and they’d still be captivating. And both of them simply inhabit their characters. I would never have thought I could see Shatner in another role that would have me completely forget he was James T. Kirk, but he’s done it here.

Now there’s a line that takes a professional actor to say without choking.

Great episode. I love Larry Miller as a kook. Candace Bergen getting mad at that junkfood jerkface lawyer was priceless. Shatner and Spader make the show however.

With this cast nothing is bad, even if the writing for the show is a bit uneven (I think so). However, I will watch it every time it comes on.

I’ve enjoyed Larry Miller ever since he played the doorman on Seinfeld.