Ronnie cleans out her law office with her ex-boyfriend. They joke about how she once chickened out of having sex in the office. She decides to go through with it, strips to a blouse and goes after him, only to run into a surprise party of her former co-workers and Guber (who knows one of the partners). Next day at school Guber tells her it will have no effect on her job but that at school she is expected to stay fully clothed.
Miss Davis tells an honors student with a thick “Southie” accent she should tone it down, minutes before her interview to get into Princeton. Girl passes out during the interview. We find out that she probably passed out because she is pregnant. She tells Miss Davis she “is just Catholic enough” not to have an abortion. Steven tells her she will be transferred to a “continuation school” when she begins to show. Girl threaetens to sue. Steven says “go ahead, get a lawyer, you’re afraid to tell your own parents.” Next day girl advises Steven and Miss Davis she’s had an abortion. Later Miss Davis pressures her to talk about it, and girl delivers teary speech about how she didn’t expect the fetus to “look real.” Personally I think she’s lying about the abortion and is going to start wearing baggy clothes.
The teachers hold a meeting about uncredentialed teachers (specifically Lisa Greer and Ronnie) working at the school. Ronnie walks in and puts on a “I’m so happy to be here, thanks for accepting me I look forward to working with each of you” act. Next day, the new guy teacher tells her welcome.
Marla goes to her doctor and learns she is clinically obese and has high cholesterol. Lecture about heart disease ensues. She decides to start exercising and she learns that Miss Davis also has high cholesterol.
Guber is in therapy. He tells the therapist he has no friends except Steven, and they have nothing in common. Therapist suggests that Guber start talking trash about women with Steven. Guber leaves the therapist’s office and runs into Jeremy’s mother waiting for her appointment.
Jeremy’s mother is seen assisting in a classroom. She apparently volunteered last year and is doing so again this year. She and Guber meet to discuss her actions toward Jeremy at which time she explains that Jeremy had her prisoner in the basement. She escaped by getting a chain saw and trying to cut off the handcuffs, but slipped and cut off her hand instead. She and Jeremy are now both in therapy. Guber tells her she may continue to volunteer, but any report of corporal punishment in or out of school and her privileges will be revoked.
Ronnie on her first day discusses creationism in class, the Big Bang, the end of the universe and do we have souls. Steven tells her not to teach creationism or religion. The next day she gives out books on reincarnation and past lives. She later tells her ex that she will teach her students to ask themselves what they believe. The next day the shoe lady comes in and demands that Ronnie “smell that shoe” of oppression. As near as I could figure, this woman is working somehow to get prayer back in public schools and feels that Ronnie’s overt discussion of creationism and past lives would endanger that effort.
Scenes for next week show Guber and Jeremy’s mother on a date and she invites him in for cookies.
Anyone, feel free to cover anything I’ve left out.