This article in the Atlantic monthly is about the Left Behind books. It’s an interesting read on the series, and apocolyptic behaviour in general.
Since posting this link could be construed as an attack on the Left Behinders, I’ve put it here. I don’t intend to offend any, and I’m glad some have stayed.
Never attribute to an -ism anything more easily explained by common, human stupidity.
hansel, do you realize how hilarious this is? This is the review that the LBBB administrator denied existed! Some poor soul tried to start a discussion about it on the LBBB and got one response before the admin made a post stating it was a hoax and closed the thread!
I know all of the LBBBers over here are really nice people who wouldn’t do anything like this, but it would be nice to see one of them cut&paste this to the LBBB book reviews forum!
Sorry, LBBBers, a lot of you are really nice, intelligent folk and I’m really enjoying your participation on this board. But that admin ain’t one of you!
Unless he’s bothered to investigate this and post a retraction, and apologize to the poor LBBB board member that he shut down so rudely. (sigh and who probably got banned immediately)
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Aristotle