Botticelli - January 2024

I am


Link to previous thread: Botticelli - December 2023 - #262 by Prof.Pepperwinkle

IQ1: Were you the regent the Regency period was named after?
IQ2: Were you #1’s g’grandfather?
IQ3: Were you a particularly flamboyant and good-looking wrestler?


Did you have a dog named Sweetlips?
Did your cadet students dub you “Old Slow Trot”?
Did you pretend not to know the way home when providing a ride to a woman with whom you were smitten?

  1. I am not George III.
  2. I am not George I.
  3. I am not Gorgeous George.
  1. I am not Ulysses S. Grant (??)
    Take 2 DQs.

Previous IQs:

Did you have a dog named Sweetlips? - George Washington
Did your cadet students dub you “Old Slow Trot”? - Not U.S. Grant, but another Civil War hero, George H. Thomas, who taught riding and cavalry tactics at West Point early in his career
Did you pretend not to know the way home when providing a ride to a woman with whom you were smitten? - George C. Marshall.

The story goes that, as a young officer, Marshall took a shine to a woman he met at a party and offered to drive her home. They talked and talked on the way, and she finally joked, “You must not know your way around base. We’ve been in this car for an hour and a half already.” He replied, “I actually know my way around base very well. That’s how I’ve avoided your street this long.”

George x3!


First name start with G?


Did your husband have arguably the silliest alternate name in all of Middle-earth?
Did your character insist he was a Dapper Dan man, goddammit?
Did you briefly appear, driving by in a car, in the alternative history novel Fatherland by Robert Harris?


  1. Female
  2. Real
  3. Last name starts with G
  1. You just asked that, but I don’t recall, so take a DQ.
  2. I am not George Clooney.
  3. I am not George Bush (???)

George IV, serving as regent for his father, George III
George II

George x3!

DQ1: Known for the Arts?
DQ2: Living?

  1. Were you one of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s sisters?
  2. Did you play Angela Rance on the first season of The Exorcist?
  3. Did you write Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of '70s and '80s Horror Fiction?

IQ1: Did eyewitnesses allegedly do nothing while you were murdered in NYC?
IQ2: Were you also called Temujin?
IQ3: Did you and Dave Arneson invent a popular game?


  1. Female
  2. Real
  3. Last name starts with G
  4. Known for the Arts
  5. Dead

Take 3 DQs.

  1. I am not George Flynn (??)
  2. I am not Genghis Khan.
  3. I am not E. Gary Gygax.

Previous IQs:

Did your husband have arguably the silliest alternate name in all of Middle-earth? - Galadriel was married to Celeborn AKA Teleporno
Did your character insist he was a Dapper Dan man, goddammit? - Yes, George Clooney, in O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Did you briefly appear, driving by in a car, in the alternative history novel Fatherland by Robert Harris? - Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels (great book, BTW)


Died since 2000?


Were you, in some tellings of Arthurian legend, Sir Lancelot’s sickly bastard son?
Were you a prominent abolitionist and political ally of Salmon P. Chase and Cassius Clay?
Are you the main character in The Witcher?

[quote=“Prof.Pepperwinkle, post:11, topic:995514, full:true”]

  1. Female
  2. Real
  3. Last name starts with G
  4. Known for the Arts
  5. Dead
  6. Not an actress
  7. Died after 2000
  1. I am not Galahad.
  2. I am not Garrison.
  3. I am not Geralt.

Kitty Genovese

DQ: Known for music?


  1. Female
  2. Real
  3. Last name starts with G
  4. Known for the Arts
  5. Dead
  6. Not an actress
  7. Died after 2000
  8. Not known for music

Previous IQs:

Were you, in some tellings of Arthurian legend, Sir Lancelot’s sickly bastard son? - Yes, Sir Galahad
Were you a prominent abolitionist and political ally of Salmon P. Chase and Cassius Clay? - Not who I was thinking of; I’ll rephrase
Are you the main character in The Witcher? - Yes, Geralt of Rivia


You were not William Lloyd Garrison; were you another prominent abolitionist and political ally of Salmon P. Chase and Cassius Clay?
Were you the eldest Brady boy?
Did your wife really, really not want to welcome Vice President Lyndon Johnson into your house, and you supported her in that decision?


You were not William Lloyd Garrison; were you another prominent abolitionist and political ally of Salmon P. Chase and Cassius Clay?
Were you the eldest Brady boy?
Did your wife really, really not want to welcome Vice President Lyndon Johnson into your house, and you supported her in that decision?

#3. I am not Barry Goldwater (??).
Take 2 DQs.

No, 'twas Joshua Giddings, Greg Brady and John Glenn (an incident shown in The Right Stuff), respectively.


Best known for the performing arts?
Considered a beauty?
Died of natural causes?


Did the same actor who played you also play an Egyptian archeologist and provide the voice of a walking tree?
Are you a top judge whose mother was a Reagan Cabinet official?
While you were sheriff in Buffalo, N.Y., did you personally carry out executions by hanging?