Botticelli - May 2022

Last month: Botticelli - April 2022 - #252 by Elendil_s_Heir

I am


Did you have a dog named Sweetlips and a horse named Nelson?
Were you “the Rock of Chickamauga”?
Were you the only son of Capt. John “Lucky Jack” Aubrey?

Take 3 DQs.

Three Georges: Washington, Thomas and Aubrey (the last in the books by Patrick O’Brian).




Did you tell a reporter, “I save my feelings for Mrs. [Lastname]”?
Did someone tell your dad in a police station, “I could drop you like a bag of dirt”?
Were you US Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio in 1990?

IQ1: Was part of your “musical” act pooping on stage?
IQ2: Did you devastate large portions of London while searching for your child?
IQ3: Are you bigger than big, taller than tall, quicker than quicker, stronger than strong, ready to fight for right against wrong?


  1. Real
  2. Female
  3. American

Take 3 DQs.

#2. I am not Godzilla (??)
Take 2 or 3 DQs.

  1. Punk rocker GG Allin
  2. Gorgo, a British Godzilla knock-off
  3. Gigantor - anime character whose theme song was covered by 70s punks The Dickies

First name starts with G?
Known for the Arts?


  1. Real
  2. Female
  3. American
  4. Dead
  5. Last name starts with G
  6. Known for the Arts

Previous IQs:

Did you tell a reporter, “I save my feelings for Mrs. [Lastname]”? - SECSTATE George C. Marshall, when a reporter asked how he felt about a bill pending in Congress
Did someone tell your dad in a police station, “I could drop you like a bag of dirt”? - George Costanza: Seinfeld HD: George arrested (1080p) - YouTube
Were you US Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio in 1990? - Joyce M. George

George x3 redux!


Best known for the performing arts?
Died since 1950?
Won a top award in her field?


Were you the notorious triple-breasted whore from Eroticon IV?
Did you have two different girlfriends in Animal House?
Did you let your kids pick the name of your spacecraft?


  1. Real
  2. Female
  3. American
  4. Dead
  5. Last name starts with G
  6. Known for the Arts
  7. Not known for the performing arts
  8. Died since 1950
  9. Won a top award in her field


Were you the notorious triple-breasted whore from Eroticon IV?
Did you have two different girlfriends in Animal House ?
Did you let your kids pick the name of your spacecraft?

#1. I am not Eccentrica Gallumbits.
Take 2 DQs.

Correct, uber-WASPy frat president Greg Marmalard, and John Glenn (as to his Mercury capsule, Friendship 7).


Best known for the visual arts (painting, photography, sculpture, etc.)?
Died since 1990?


Were you Mr. Darcy’s naive young sister?
Did your pre-1950 British creator only give you a first initial and not a full first name?
Were you editor of The Liberator?

IQ1: Did you have a big hit and win 4 Grammy Awards with This Is America?
IQ2: Did you portray an owner of the Millennium Falcon?
IQ3: Did you create Kinsey Millhone?

[quote=“Prof.Pepperwinkle, post:11, topic:963823, full:true”]

  1. Real
  2. Female
  3. American
  4. Dead
  5. Last name starts with G
  6. Known for the Arts
  7. Not known for the performing arts
  8. Died since 1950
  9. Won a top award in her field
  10. Not best known for the visual arts
  11. Died after 1990

Yes! I am Sue Grafton.

Well done, Chock!

Well done, CFOHG!

Previous IQs:

Were you Mr. Darcy’s naive young sister? - Georgiana, in Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
Did your pre-1950 British creator only give you a first initial and not a full first name? - G. Lestrade, Sherlock Holmes’s frenemy from Scotland Yard (I think it’s probably George, given common names of the day, but who knows?)
Were you editor of The Liberator? - William Lloyd Garrison, a firebreathing abolitionist

I’d go with Gregory, myself.

Not bad, and he was a Greg in Sherlock, after all, but George would be a much more common name in Conan Doyle’s era, I think.

So I looked, and it appears you have the point. In 1885 the most popular British names for boys were: John, William, James, George, Charles, Frank, Joseph, Henry, Robert and Thomas .