Bottlefeeding Poll

Bottlefeeding poll

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Kate Hallberg: You’ve posted your inoperable link to the breastfeeding poll in at least two fora on these boards, and possibly others (I haven’t had time to look yet).

Please do not do this. That’s known as cross-posting, and it is a very good way for a person to get banned very quickly.


well, it looks as tho she posted it in GQ first and it was closed with the suggestion she repost in another forum and ‘add a comment’ to it.

instead, she reposted to two forums, no comment and didn’t fix the link. Here’s the link to the GD thread which has gotten some replies.

and heres’ the fixed link here

which consists of the heavily weighted question:

Do you regret bottle-feeding your baby?

no, I didn’t know there was a difference
no, I don’t believe it matters to my child’s health
yes, I wish I had been told that breastfeeding matters


And what am I supposed to pick if I didn’t bottle feed my children? Is this something we’re supposed to discuss amongst ourselves?

well, lola I suspect that you’d be allowed to be in the company of the ‘perfect moms’, those who had the correct method of feeding their child and the correct methods of birthing etc, since if you click on the link under the ‘poll’ that says “Advantages of formula”, it links to her home page, where her ‘advantages of forumla’ consist of various statements, then her argument against it.

Her link also has ‘nipple tweaking’ tips, and ‘breastfeeding stories’.

IOW, this is not so much as a ‘what do you think’ as a ‘here’s what I think and why you’re wrong’.

Ya know, I’m really, quite happy for anyone who has a wonderful relationship with their child. I am also quite resentful of those who attempt to gauge my relationship with my child by comparing it with what you chose in your life.

Your life is not mine. You do not have the sole answer for everybody. And I, for one, did ** not** ask for your opinion on my child rearing, thank you.

Actually, as I was surfing the boards last night, I saw the bad link posted in all three boards simultaneously before JillGat closed the one in GQ.

I don’t know which way is worse . . .

So what’s up with this poll thing, anyway. It’s a pro-breastfeeding thing disguised as a poll? Which leads to this particular new members personal webpage?

Look, honey, I’ve been there and done that. I’m a card carrying member of La Leche League and I breastfed for 13 months. I also, as it happened, formula fed at the same time. Go figure. You know what? Noboady gives a rat’s ass. For every brownie point I get for breastfeeding, I’m sure I’ve lost a few for letting my son play with latex balloons or not spending $200 for a Britax carseat. Or, more to the point, for giving him so much formula. Whatever. Who is keeping score?

I understand what it’s like to be pro-breastfeeding and be frustrated with the lack of knowledge about it, and stymied by the very emotional reactions of people who feel criticized for doing something different. It can turn you into a zealot. I sympathize with your desire to crusade on this issue.

But I daresay this is not the time, the place, or the forum. And it’s crap like this misleading “let me entrap you into my propaganda with this supposedly neutral poll” that makes me embarrassed to be an advocate of nursing, and that makes other people all the more hostile towards discussing the issue.

So take your little poll and your tube of Lansinoh and shove it up your natural-birthed perineal-massaged hoo-hoo.

Thank you.

Cranky that was priceless!